View Full Version : Hyperventilation/Overbreathing?

03-05-08, 03:47
For a couple days now, I've been very very aware of my breathing, and I feel like I might be hyperventilating because I'm paying so much attention to it. I definitely feel better and a lot less panicky when I'm keeping busy. I feel short of breath, a lot of anxiety, dizzy, and like I can't get enough air in sometimes. I had an ultrasound on my heart, chest x-ray, and several other cardio tests a little over a year ago, and everything was OK, but I can't stop worrying that something's wrong with my lungs or heart! This is driving me crazy. Anyone struggle with hyperventilation? What is it like?

03-05-08, 08:18
Hi Aurora

Not being able to breath properly is very scarey and can some times make it worse.
It sure sounds like a panic attack to me, I suffer from them and you are discribing my systoms. The dizziness is because your not getting enough air into your body, I feel im going to faint sometimes.
When it starts to come on you need to try and breath deep into your stomach to get as much air in as possible. try not to get frightened, I did and it use to make it worse, try to keep breathing through it and you will eventually come out of it.

I know its not very nice and can have quite an effect on you, thinking your going to die etc, thats the fear and fear will make it worse.

take care

07-05-08, 08:34
This sounds just like hyperventilation to me, you feel dizzy because there is too much oxygen getting into your system. Have a look at the breathing exercises in the " How to cope section of this site ", it really helps.
Exercise helps too, it breaks the pattern and gets you away from concentrating on your breathing all the time.

07-06-08, 23:02
Hi there - I wasn't aware that I was overbreathing until my physio pointed it out to me. She noticed it in the speed at which I talk and how I breathe in quickly through my mouth. I was in a really dark place with my anxiety, had suffered dizziness, confusion and revved up feelings since the week before when I had my first panic attacks. She gave me a book to read - and I hope I am not breaking any rules, but I swear it stopped me from believing I was going mad. I picked it up every time I needed a little reassurance and followed the breathing programme which has worked wonders for me. The book is called Hyperventilation Syndrome by Dinah Bradley - I have recently bought the newer edition but any edition will do - its fab.
Be interested to know if anyone else has benefitted from this book.

21-02-09, 13:14
I too have these symptoms. Tight throat muscles and neck muscles and worries about breathing, dizziness, the whole lot. Very unpleasant...

24-02-09, 23:43
I get this!!! I get a tight throat and fund myself trying to yawn constantly throughout the day to try and catch my breath....and it's awful!!! I am so aware of it and then I check my pulse....and it gets worse....then any kind of excercise gets me worried...it's an awful
Spiral and drmoralising To the extreme!!!! How did you beat it?? Where did you get the book from??? Tim