View Full Version : palputations

04-04-05, 11:57
hi everyone,
i dont feel to bad today, can anyone tell me if palputations are fluttering in your chest or can your heart really pound with them or is it both, i was wondering because the other night, my heart was really pounding, thought it was going to jump out of my chest,this happened when i was sleeping it woke me up, also sometimes i can feel it fluttering [thats the only way i can describe it] on and off during the day
luv sue:)

04-04-05, 15:42
Hi Sue,

I get the same symptoms as you all the time.....If you have read any of my posts you will see lots of similarities to what you have said, but I do tend to go on, and you might have fallen asleep halfway throughLOL!

Seriously, though, I get the fluttering sensations, like theres a butterfly trying to escape from your chest. Have you had usual check ups ie. ecg etc.. If you have and all came back ok, it is just another horrible symptom of anxiety. I have had this anxiety for years but only developed this symptom three years ago, and haven't managed to get rid of them yet...but I am trying.

Hope this helps, there are lots more on this site who suffer with this too, so we are not alone, but please PM me if you need any further advice/reassurance.
Take care,
Love, Linda.x[8D]

04-04-05, 16:00
Hi Sue,

You're in execellnt company

Fluttering in your chest and in your throat sometimes too as well as the pounding can all be extra beats , ectopic beats and they are all common and providing you've had them checked out at least once - not a cause for concern.

Palpitations: palpatations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2284)


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04-04-05, 17:05
thanks meg,
im more worried now cause ive never had any checks on my heart, ive only had my pulse checked and the doc listened with a stethascope in the past [im talking years ago when i used to go to the drs at least once a week with someut or other,to do with anxiety etc...]this time however i havent seen the doc much so i dont know for sure if my heart is ok do i have to go for an ecg before i know if everything is ok regards sue

04-04-05, 17:09
No harm in having an ecg at all but its not mandatory

I don't think it'll show any abnormality but it is sensible to get these things checked formally once before really working on ignoring them.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-04-05, 17:10
Sue, please don't worry too much. As Meg said, you are in excellent company on here, with your palpitations/missed/ectopic beats.

Logically, if you think about it, you probably feel fine, except for the heart thing, right now. The ecg is really just for peace of mind. So long as you don't have any other symptoms, please don't panic because this will make them worse. Meg will explain better, buts its something to do with Adrenalin.

I keep telling everyone about this, so sorry if you are reading it again, but I tried a Complete Relaxation hypnotherapy Cd last night and feel so calm today. Maybe you could try some good relaxation. I was scared of hypnotherapy at first, but now, I can't wait to do it again, if I feel like this after one attempt, what will I be like if I do it regulary. Also, (and I am the worlds worst for this) you need to get daily exercise. That is really good for your heart.

Hope this helps a bit but like I said, PM me if you need to.
Love, Linda.x

04-04-05, 17:15
thanks, but how am i meant to know whether anything is wrong with my heart, what are the symptoms or heart trouble and what if i have a heart attack or something because i havent had a thougher check up
a worried sue :(

04-04-05, 17:23
Hi again Sue,
I have had these symptoms for three years and I'm still here. You could go round in circles worrying and I don't want to make you feel worse, and hope I haven't......

The anxiety will make the palps worse and it is a vicious???(can't spell today???) circle, but if you are really worried, get checked out at docs. You would know if you had any other symptoms. Try the relaxation method, everyone has said it is good for them, but it does have to be done often.

Please try not to worry too much....easier said than done, I still doing even after having the tests....buts thats why we're not rid of the anxiety.

Take care,

04-04-05, 17:35
Hi Sue
I've suffered with ectopic beats etc for 24 years and still here. I'm like you though not had any tests. I've mentioned them to the doctor and was told that if they happen more then they'll check them, so they didn't seem that bothered. There's more people that suffer with this kind of thing than what you realise. Try not to worry because that will bring them on even more.
Take care

04-04-05, 17:42

If you had any significant heart disease you would have more than 1 symptom and palpitations don't have anything to do with the heart attack path at all.

If you are worried then go and book in at the GP and ask for an ECG to put your mind at rest. Then once you know and are reassurred its anxiety induced you can accaept it and join our other members in their quest to ignore them, reduce them and carry on.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-04-05, 17:46
thanks linjane,
ive had palputations[fluttering] for years, but that pounding has only happened once, that i can remember [the other night]
the thing is i changed drs 3 years ago,when i moved here, i only started getting this anxiety/panic again last november, im worried now that i havent seen my gp much, and if i have a heart condition,the dr wouldnt know about it, if you see what i mean, the only tests ive had is on my chest [xray] and that was years ago, that was fine, the only other tests ive had is for thyroid,kidneys and a full blood count, imto scared to go and have an ecg cause i know ill panic and feel ill for days afterwards, regards :( sue

05-04-05, 17:18
Hi Sue,
Hows things today??

You sound just like me and you made me smile. When I went for ECG my heart rate went up to over 150beats and that was after they'd finished, cuz I was so scared. I felt missed beats all over the place and they said I was fine!!!

If I were you, I would go and have a chat with your doc and talk things over. Like Meg said, you would have had more symptoms if there was anything else wrong and if you have had the flutters for years, it is probably just the anxiety making you get more scared of them now. I hadn't noticed any of these palpitations/missed beats until they reared their ugly head three years ago and since then haven't got rid of them. But you know what, I am not going to let them beat me! Did my relaxation CD again this morning, so something like this might also help you.
Take care, let me know how you are,

07-04-05, 11:02
hi linda
thanks for reply, its not the fluttering that bothers me, its that one episode of the really pounding heart that worried me a bit esp as i was asleep when it happened ive never had anything like that before,
i dont feel to bad today but ive been a bit dizzy/unsteady for quite a while i hate that, i feel like i cant cope sometimes its horrible, i seem to get that everyday,sometimes all day, i think its the worse symptom i get
luv sue

25-06-08, 06:00
i have been getting palputations for a few months nd thought i was going to die or have a heart attack!! (my imagination running wild lol) What i have noticed is that they get worse if i panic. I started to get them when we booked our holiday in February, i'm so scared about flying!! anyway i went to the docs and he never even listened to my heart, he just said it would be because i'm worrying all the time about dying on the plane!! i know im being silly but i am really really worrying about flying. I have even got it in to my head that im going to die when while we are flying.

03-07-08, 01:00
I've been suffering with palputations and heart flutters for years on and off but over the last week they've been getting far more regular and been happening every day.

I do suffer from anxiety and have done for years but over the last week i've felt worse with these heart flutters.

I went to the doctor years back when I started getting them and he said my heartbeat was fine and that these things are normal, I just hope that them getting more regular over the last week doesn't mean anything...but im still woried.