View Full Version : Underprepared

03-05-08, 11:03
does anybody ever get a random feeling that they are really unprepared....for no reason...ever if you are really prepared...and even if the situation you are in dosnt require you to be prepared...?

matty x

03-05-08, 12:38
Hi Matty :hugs:

You will find that anxiety plays with us in many different ways, we notice things more, she plays with our minds and we quetion it, why do I feel this way, why do I feel the need to feel prepared. We think more deeply and the negatives jump out more. Hun, this is Mrs A playing with you, don't listen to her hun.

YOU ARE in fact prepared for anything that life throws at you.

Anxiety is strange, it gives us many, many symptoms and many, many strange thoughts. I know its hard but try not put too much importants on this thought, it will pass.

Hope this has helped a little. I have had many strange thoughts, some of them I am ashamed to mention,:weep: :blush: but ALL anxiety related.

What I do know now is, Mr P, Mrs A, NEVER has anything nice to say, its all negative, so at times of strange thoughts, I give them noooo, importants AT ALL, look to more good things in life, look to things that make me happy, look to things that bring me a smile.