View Full Version : Panic attacks, anxious or what?

03-05-08, 23:09
Maybe y'all can point me in the right direction, I'm not sure what is happening to me but I am trying to find out and hopefully address the right problem.

I do not believe I have generalized anxiety. What I am dealing with is severe panic or anxiety symptoms in emergency situations or hospital situations, ie., having to take someone to the hospital emergency room, visiting someone in the hospital, having blood drawn for hospital tests - I get so sick, so weak and so faint the staff always has to help me instead of the real patient.

I'm seeing a doctor and I think he understands what I'm experiencing and how totally unsettled I am but he has not been able to help as far as prescribing medication. He had me try a new antidepressant called Cymbalta that made me horribly sick and a month later Xanax (1/2 of a 25 mg. tab) as needed. The Xanax made me just as sick as the Cymbalta - leaving me wondering if I'm addressing actual panic attacks, anxiety attacks, a phobia somehow related to blood or hospitals, or what?

Has anyone ever experienced this and what advice could you give me? I'm thinking I've got to pinpoint exactly what's happening before I can correctly treat it.

Thank you,


03-05-08, 23:16
Hi Goldie and :welcome: you will get lots of support and friendly advise here.
Sometimes new meds can make you feel awful until your body has got used to them.It took me two weeks before mine settled down.:hugs:

04-05-08, 04:02
Hi Goldie and :welcome: you will get lots of support and friendly advise here.
Sometimes new meds can make you feel awful until your body has got used to them.It took me two weeks before mine settled down.:hugs:

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :roflmao:

04-05-08, 09:27
Hi Goldie,

The situations which you are describing all pertain to our own mortality.
Being in a hospital/healthcare facility is discomforting because we generally don't want to be there.I have to have my blood pressure taken every 3 months at my doctor's surgery-this used to necessitate a half-hour visit. Why? My anxiety levels would rise that morning before I even went to the Doctor's to the point where an initial bp reading would result in me waiting for 20 mins and having it redone.Some people call it "white-coat syndrome".
It's not so bad now because with the help of the nursing staff,I have learned to challenge this mindset of mine.I plan my trip to the doctor's.I make sure I have breakfast before I go.I arrive early and sit reading for 10 minutes....I prepare properly.
I understand that my anxiety will want to rise..that is normal for me.
I also understand that my bp is being properly managed and I am not in danger.
I understand that being in such facilities is enough to perturb me but this is learned behaviour.
What I can do is learn new behaviour to respond to this.
I can challenge this response.
I can change.
You can too.
Keep believing in yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

04-05-08, 09:31
Hi Goldie
:welcome: to the site.

im sorry your having to endure these horrid feelings. I dont think I can add much to what others have posted but I just want to say we are here and take care of you

04-05-08, 13:18
Hello Goldie And Welcome.i Agree W/chalky Sounds Like You Might Just Have A Fear Of Er's And Medical Situations ....maybe You Can Look Into Cbt .............i Wish Ya Well..........linda

04-05-08, 14:27
Hi Goldie

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

04-05-08, 16:51
Hi Goldie,

Welcome to NMP. I have reacted to just about every medication I have ever taken. If you decide to take the med route hang in there and hopefully your body will adjust.


Laura :flowers:

04-05-08, 17:24
:welcome: to the site! :yesyes:

06-05-08, 09:36
hiya Goldie :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice and reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


06-05-08, 11:25
Hi Goldie..Just to let you know I get the same thing these days when I go into a hospital..Just the smell of it makes me feel all weak and anxious. Hosptial's never used to bother me, but after my son developed Epilepsy and had to have an op for a heart condition I've developed this fear of hospitals and even if people tell me someone is ill or has died throws me into a panic.