View Full Version : alcohol and panic attacks??

04-05-08, 05:35
i find that when i drink wine it will take my feelings of anxiety away but the after affects are terrible..once the alcohol has warn off my heart will start racing and beating weird and ill start panicing and thats when the anxiety comes back.
does anyone else have this??

xxx ajyana

04-05-08, 06:17
yes! In fact, I have a type of "anxiety hangover" the next day as I like to put it. It might be mild withdrawal though, because I used to be a HEAVY drinker. How much are you drinking? That could have a lot to do with it (believe me I won't judge based on your answer, I would binge drink like no other) Do you get shakey after drinking? Dizzy, etc?

04-05-08, 09:01
Hi there

I cannot put myself in your shoes but I have a very close friend who drinks alot and suffers from panic attacks or anxiety.
He was so bad he decided to detox, with the support of the hospital he went through it and never felt better, we had him stay with us after and not once did he feel the panic. he had alot of support.
One day he just started to drink again within a week the panic attacks and anxiety all day long until he had a drink at 6pm.

Alchol has ahugh impact on anxiety, you think your drinking to stop it but in fact your feeding it.

Take care of you
pm me if you want to talk more

05-05-08, 02:03
thx guys:)

i never use to drink but i find that i have been drinking alot lately because it doesnt make me think about my anxiety.


05-05-08, 16:32

I have posted before about this. If I drink alot or particularly wine, my anxiety goes through the roof. My heart goes nuts.

I have massively cut back on what I am drinking as I realised that it just made me terrible anxious.

06-05-08, 03:42
thank u emira i totally get the same way.


06-05-08, 15:08
I have been drinking a lot lately because of my anxiety..I went on a bender on Sunday and yesterday I felt absolutely dreadful, so depressed and tearful all day. I know I shouldn't drink as much and it's a vicious cycle but while you're actually drinking you feel great and the anxiety disappears.

07-05-08, 20:07
I also enjoy a drink and find it helps me relax, however especially wine has this affect on me, come bedtime my heart is racing and feels like its beating all over the place so when I lie in bed, I get all sweaty and anxious.
Not sure why its started last few months, never used to affect me like this, getting old I guess, can't handle my drink!!!

08-05-08, 18:41
hi ajyana, i do sometimes in the evening drink if i had bad day with anxietys and it does help but next day i feel really moody and low and not good so i dont really think its a good idea i always suffer days after xxxx