View Full Version : This is driving me insane with worry

wine lover
04-05-08, 10:21
Well, I've just had a horrible night. The soles of my feet tingled all day yesterday and it has kept me waken most of the night. My hands were tingling too and everytime I moved some other part of me got pins and needles. I'm at my wits end. Feel unable to go back to docs as he admits he has no idea what the problem is (neuro and MRI were negative). It feels like hundreds of spiders crawling inside my feet!! Palpitations really bad too. It's the not knowing that makes it worse. Am wondering if I might be intolerant to the supplements I'm taking rather than them making me better.
Hands still tingling a bit although I've up for a while now. Feel a bit tight and stiff. Feet feel like there is something stuck to the bottom of them, really weird. I also had tight crampy calves throught the night. I don't know what to do next. Any one got any ideas? (The last thing the doc gave me to try were diuretics (cant spell, water pills), but did no good). :shrug: Thankx.

04-05-08, 16:27
Dear Wine Lover

I'm sorry that none of us have replied and I'm even more sorry that you are being driven crazy by all the frightening, unexplained things that are happening to your bod.

I suppose it is very hard when we run out of advice and when you have run out of medical causes. What is there to say?

Only that we are here and with you in the midst of your fear, confusion and unhappiness. Being with you seems very small sometimes and big at other times. You are not alone.


04-05-08, 17:38
Hi wine lover

I'm so sorry that you are having such a horrific time at the moment. I'm sure everyone who posts can completely relate to this.

Keep reading about how other people are feeling - I know that when I do, it calms me, because I know I'm not on my own. All my problems seemed to come out of nowhere and I am struggling to cope - but knowing that other people feel the same way helps.

This is a really horrible condition - but we are all here to help each other.

Take care

wine lover
06-05-08, 09:26
Am really worried now. Have been up ALL night. Couldn't sleep for horrendous palpitations and rapid heart. Pins and needles worst theyve ever been in hands and feet. The pain in both feet was intolerable. Burning so much I feel theyre going to blow up. Hands feel really sore and stiff. Feel really sick, seem to be peeing a lot but have a really dry mouth and have the sweats. Have managed to get a doctors appointment this morning, if I can last that long before I pass out with this rapid heart beat! (Have taken period which seem heavier than normal, really sore tum) Dont know if its all connected. Just fancied getting this off my chest.

06-05-08, 11:01
Hi Winelover,
I don't know if this is relevant or not but when I was going through my MS/anxiety period I started to take extra vitamin C tablets and got terrible burning sensations in my arms, my GP told me I was getting too much vitamin C into my body so I stopped taking it and the burning stopped. But I have found the more you focus on it the worse it gets, I have even called an ambulance in the middle of the night through pins and needles/numbness and they knew straight away it was anxiety!

I'm sorry I can't be of more help!

celia davies
06-05-08, 11:18
I have all these symtoms there horrible i thought i had ms but its jst anxiety my tounge tingles also,your hearts fluttering because ur worrying about it an the symtoms come on more thats why ur legs feel stiff because ur so stressed with worry its coursing muscle tension,hope this helps xx

wine lover
06-05-08, 12:42
thanks all for the replies. I'm just back from the doctors (not my usual), and she looked at my notes, told me it probably is anxiety, and prescribed me a course of Citalopram. Why can I never believe what they say. She thinks I am cronically hyperventilating, but I cant understand why this would make my fingers feel so stiff and puffy! And now that I've read the side effects of the pill, which seem exactly what I have just now, I'm petrified of taking them. Anyone taken these and feel better?, or has anyone else cured cronic hyperventilating in another way?:huh: :huh:

06-05-08, 12:56
I think the hyperventillating is cos you are living in a constant state of panic.

I know that if someone told me the symptoms of cancer of the toe were having a blue toe, my toe would be blue!! I think if you study your body hard enough and often enough you can see exactly what you are fearing!

Have you thought about seeing someone about your anxiety?

06-05-08, 12:58
Maybe the stiff puffy fingers is cos you are hyperventillating so the air is not flowing around your body properly. I once called an ambulance in the middle of the night cos my hands went all funny, they were stiff and curling into my body, the ambulance man told me it was because I was hyperventillating and to try and breathe normally! Easier said than done I know!!

wine lover
06-05-08, 13:07
the doctor today told me that there is a very long waiting list if I want to speak to a physcologist regarding my anxiety, however I really would much rather go down this route than take the meds because I know already I'll suffer horrible side effects on them. It's still difficult to understand that when I think I am relaxed my hands and feet feel like they're having hundreds of pins stuck into them.

06-05-08, 13:14

Have you been tested for diabetes????

I was diabetic for years and had a lot of the symptoms you describe

By the time I was diagnosed the damage was done and I now have the numbness and tingling and burning in my legs and feet all the time

Just an idea

Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-05-08, 13:15
It takes your body ages to settle down, my anxiety started three years ago and when I'm anxious/worried now I still get twitches on my right leg, but the difference is I now recognise it for what it is and not MS as I originally convinced myself of!

I started off paying privately for my counselling setions at Bupa, they were £60.00, I only had 2 with him, one every fortnight but after the first one I actually felt better cos I had some idea of how to start coping. But it was my gps counsellor that really helped me. We had a really friendly receptionist who I rang in tears and explained my situation and I ended up with a cancellation and then after that intital meeting with the counsellor she realised what a state I was in and saw me every week straight away.

06-05-08, 20:45

I really think everything will calm down for you - it just takes time for your body to get back to normal, and when you get into panic mode all the symptoms just flare up again - that's what happens to me. They come and go and that's what I have found difficult to deal with - you think that when it happens it will go away and that's it done. Then it comes back and its back to square one again.

My friend had a terrible break up a few years back, was having a hard time doing her finals at uni and she went through all the pins and needles, numbness etc - she got through it but when she's stressed she's told me it can flare up again - I didn't even know she'd had this until it happened to me and I was talking to her about it. We have to try to reject it mentally to make it go away - easier said than done, I know. And just keep posting - everyone here is really supportive and totally understands what you're going through.


06-05-08, 21:13
i used to hyperventilate i even had an ambulance out for me because i convinced my family i was dying. I had a brilliant counsellor last year and she told me to distract myself with anything, i usually paint or play with my son, or anything that takes the focus away from the panic. At 1st i thought how can i possible do that when i think im going to die but it works, at first your mind is only distracted for a few seconds but the periods of feeling better get longer and longer until you suddenly realised that youve gone a whole hour without thinking of the problem. This does work but you have to force yourself to do it when your in the middle of a panic attack! I also take citalopram. ive been on it for 4 years and ive had no problms with it. the only problem ive had is now when im coming off them my mouth as so dry!! As for the pins and needles i got that when i was hyperventilating the ambalance men had me dancing round the living room waving my arms to get the circulation back.

Ive been wher you are and im coming out the other side. It does get better.
hope this helps.

06-05-08, 21:37

The pins and needles have been the latest addition to my anxiety state so i can understand your worry.
Pins and needles often come when you have had a session on the booze! I didnt know this as usually its not something i check for but now with my health anxiety i notice every small detail. Because i noticed the pins and needles and paid this particular symptom too much attention, they didnt seem to stop- eventually my hands started trembling coz i was concentrating so hard on the tingling sensations. Im scared to have a social drink now coz the hangover symptoms make me feel like i am dying. I was prescribed citralopram 6 weeks ago but decided it wasnt for me. Instead i have had some cbt and hypnotherapy and i have just finished a book called 'essential help for your nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes which i would highly recommend

wine lover
08-05-08, 12:14
thanks all for the replies. After a bad day on Monday, Tuesday wasn't as bad, but was out at a social do last night. Could feel my feet tingling most of the evening, and after walking about in a pair of new shoes, they were really bad by the time I got home. (I have noticed that they tingle after I've been on my feet for a while) Well I've had another sleepless night. I could feel pulses pumping away in both hands and feet. My feet were absolutely burning, along with the palms of my hands. My feet started to sting with the pain, almost like the pain was through to the bone. Unbearable. Again, I had palpitations too! This morning it's not quite so bad, but my whole body feels a bit stiff and stings, and hands are sore. Had a few glasses of wine so I now worry that the alcohol is causing the problem. Have also just read an article about fybromyalgia and the symtoms seem similar. AArgh, I'm becoming ridiculously obssessed with this. If I could just get an answer, I could stop worrying so much, it really is a horrible viscious circle. Thanks for listening to yet another of my stupid moans.

19-06-08, 09:39
I get tingling in my heel sometimes and my chiropractor said it was because I had tight calves. Nothing serious at all. All you need to do is start stretching your calves and hamstrings out. I presume this is all caused by tension and stress as I used to be really bendy. Now I find I'm like an 80 year old because I am so stiff.

I get a lot of twitching in my legs as well. But as my GP says, if it were MS I'd know about it by now. And yes tingling cna be caused by being diabetic but I was checked for that and was ok so it can be caused by anxiety as well.

I took Citalopram for three days and stopped as it made me feel dreadful.