View Full Version : The power of H20

04-04-05, 12:29
hi everytime i go out i always feel that i need to carry a bottle of water or something to drink with me. no matter where it is i just cant go out without taking it and if i do i end up panicking getting dizzy, sweating, fast heart beat and having to run to the nearest shop to get a drink. when i do have the drink with me it almost seems like a safty comfort and i dont panick as much. just wondering if anyone else feels this way as id like to one day be able to go out and relax without doing this.

04-04-05, 12:41
hi caz,
i am exactly the same, i wont go out unless ive got a bottle of water either,i think water helps a little after you had a panic attack it rehydrates you, i get a dry mouth even when i feel" jittery"
take care luv sue:D

04-04-05, 14:01

I always too take water out with me.I also find that if i start to feel panicky, i need to have a drink to take mind off sypmtoms. Also i always have bag sweets to suck on, this also helps me.

tracy x x

04-04-05, 14:20
Hi Ya ,
Always best to carry water with you. As everyone says it will make you feel better and you concentrate on something else other than your panic.

I always take a bottle of coke with me on long journies that include tunnels or bridges...the sugar craving goes up with me then.

You do things that make things easier on yourself.
Take care

with good wishes
