View Full Version : sick spells after eating and heights

04-05-08, 12:46

i dont really come on here anymore since 2 people were a bit mean to me, and it made me feel like this place may not offer the support im looking for.

so ive been trying to cope and recover on my own, but sadly, i have nowhere else to go for help.

so, im just wanting to know if this has happened to anyone else, and if there is some possible reasurance that im ok.

the short of it: had blood work done a month ago, came back b12 defient. this explains almost all my symptoms, so been on tablets and feeling generally better n better all the time, BUT, 4 days ago, i went up in the elavator to my mums apartment (13th floor) and was totally fine, untill i got in the lift...then all of a sudden, i felt incredibly ill, and all through my shortened visit, i felt awful. then when i got home, and rest of that arvo, felt pretty crappy, but better then when i was up there at her unit.....

also, today, i had lunch with people, and felt fine untill i got up to pay the billl, waiting in line, i felt very hot, and about to pass out, it was terrible!

so, if anyone on here has had b12 probs and can confirm if they have had 'relapse' like this, or, is it my ibs? i have that too.

any help would be great, and thankyou.

im trying so hard to get my life back, and things like this happening are such a set back, my dreams of being able to have a baby and get on a plane again are now looking like they will never be able to happen if i cant even do the simplest of things without probs.

04-05-08, 12:57
Hi Peach,

Welcome back to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Your symptoms certainly sound anxiety-related but may be related to your B-12 deficiency(something I know nothing about).It's good that you are taking action to sort things out.
Stick around and I am sure you will benefit.
Best wishes,

04-05-08, 13:06
Hi Peach, :welcome: back :D

Unfortunately, I've no experience of b12 deficiency, but I'm sure someone will be along to help you soon :hugs:

Take care


04-05-08, 13:09
:bighug1: hi peach,welcome back, i can tgive you any advice regarding health anxiety as i dont really suffer that bad with it - i only worry if a have something wrong. but i wanted to say that dont stop comin gto nmp for support because you have had a couple of bad interactions - i think we all get them and we have to take them as part of life? ppl with anxiety can sometimes be a bit awkward but then so can 'normal' ppl i dont think it matters either way - if you get somebody on a bad day they can say the wrong thing and sometimes when we are vulnerable we take things too much to heart? please stay now your back:yesyes: :hugs: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:flowers:

04-05-08, 13:54
awww...hi emmas, longtime no see....you and dying swan are easily the most wonderful ppl on here.

really nice to reconnect. your right too, i am very vunerable when im on here, most def my weakest and emotionally challenged. but thats why we come on this particular site isnt it? here is where we can open up about our deepest issues because we dont have ppl in our lives that can help, or even understand.

i hope alls well with u, and i will stay now and try to also support others on here when i can.


04-05-08, 14:20
:yahoo: hey peach, dont put yourself under any pressure to 'help' others?? we are all here for our own reasons and that is all that matters? you know i cant really offer much advice about the health anx as its not one of my main probs but we are still friends and we can always chat about 'normal' stuff too? how is the job? ive decided to try for the baby peach which is creating some stress but i think like everything else if we let fear hold us back we will look back with much regret?? you may not yet be ready, but you will hopefully see soon that you can and do survive even with anx - you just have to plod on and try your best to not let it get you down?and having friends on here is amassive help? take care and glad youve returned - i missed you:winks:

10-05-08, 12:41
hi emmas, i missed you too. im so glad your trying again for a bub. im still tryin to get my head around it, but have realised that i can theorise all i like, i will only really know when i try too.i still have some seepless nights over it- scared of doing it and scared of missing out. i wish i had your strength!

im making some progress....still have weird stuff happening some days, but on the whole, getting better. life is now better then it was 6 months ago.

family seems to becoming more and more important to me these days, and its been just great to be spending time getting to know my family.

keep me posted on how your baby news is going! im so excited for you!