View Full Version : Not sure where to put this

04-05-08, 14:03
Hi everyone,

I am so sad today my boyfriend of over a year and friend before that of 7 months has decided that we aren't right for each other anymore and has broken up with me.
I'm completely devastated, I don't have any friends that i see and for the last year he has been there for me through everything bad that has happened to me (viral cough, Skin Cancer, and the low b12 thing) he was the only reason i kept going and didn't completely break down.
I miss him so much and I just don't know what to do really cos i don't really have anyone to talk to.
I just miss him i want him back so much it's breaking my heart, I've cried none stop really for two whole days now and i just can't stop I don't know what to do i feel like my life has no reason for living now.

04-05-08, 18:01
Aww Scooby

So sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend:hugs: , i remember many years ago splitting up with someone i loved so much, i too never thought i would ever get over it, but i did hun. and im sure you will too even though it dosnt seem like it right now.

Sending you hugs and thinking of you hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


04-05-08, 18:16
Scooby somewhere out there is someone who loves you so very much, you just have not met him yet. Unfortunately what has happened to you has happened to us all at some time. You really do get over it though hard to see that now. Now have a nice bath/shower, do your hair and make up and look in the mirror.....you are quite beautiful. I feel sure that if you ring your old friends one of them is sure to be so pleased to have you back in their life. Go on pick up the phone xxhugxx

04-05-08, 20:12
Thanks everyone, I know i will get over him i've had enough experience dealing with stuff like this it's just the thoughts of being alone all the time and missing him so much.

04-05-08, 21:00
Hi Scooby. i sorry to hear that and its the most horrible feeling i know and makes you feel like you will never be happy but eventually it will make you stronger and you will get over this and be happy. give it a few days and then mayb you could go somewhere where you not alone and can meet new friends. you will feel better soon though just keep telling yourself you are strong and keep busy this always helps maybe throw yourself into a hobby, work or interest for a while, hugs xxxx

04-05-08, 21:04
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Scooby

Kaz x x x:hugs:

04-05-08, 22:43
Thanks everyone, I'm just totally gutted as it was a bit out of the blue we seemed to get along all the time we were together and never argued so i just can't understand where it all went wrong

05-05-08, 19:08
I just feel so lost without him i have spent nearly 3 whole days crying, i have no friends to talk to and i'm back at work tomorrow and if anyone mentions him ill just want to cry.

05-05-08, 20:19
Aw Scooby,
Im sorry your feeling so low. I know its really hard at first after you split up from a partner, but it does get better, eventhough you probably dont believe that right now. It must be harder especially when you dont even really know what went wrong. Im a big believer that theres 'someone for everyone' and its just a matter of time till you meet yours. Could be tommorow...could be next week, but whenever it is you'll never look back...
You've always got plenty of friends here if your feeling down hun.
Take care of yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

05-05-08, 20:31
I thought he might have been the one then he's just decided things don't seem right between us instead of trying to find out what is wrong and sorting it out he has just decided to break up.

05-05-08, 20:59
hi scooby just wondered how you were feeling now? i know its an awful feeling but honestly you will feel better. you never know you 2 may make up but things happen for a reason and if he is not the one then someone out there is and they r waiting for you, so mayb join a club or go out with work and try to have a laugh for a while and just find yourself again and when you are ready a lovely hunky man will come and sweep you off ya feet :hugs:

05-05-08, 21:25
I feel really bad still i just miss him, i only saw him at weekends cos he lived away so he spent all weekend with me.
So now i'm just gonna miss him so much at the weekends, during the week won't be so bad as i've always been alone then and i work part time so that keeps me occupied a bit.
I really thought he was my hunky right man guess not now though, i just miss him he said he wants to stay friends but cos we live far apart we wont really see each other and we only text cos he lives in a small house with his family and doesn't like talking on the phone infront of them.
So we basically stay as text friends or lose all contact, so if we stay text friends then if he met someone and stopped texting me then i would feel like i've lost him over again. So i just don't know what to do really.

05-05-08, 21:31
it is really hard and mayb if you said you were not going to text him anymore cos it hurts and you gonna try to start going out more and meeting people mayb if he still loves you he might begin to miss you and want you, so mayb break off completely for a few weeks as hard as it is you never know it may help things as at the moment you are kind of friends but its torturing you and you still want him, so kind of play it smart and leave things for few weeks and let him think you moving on mayb and he might realise he still wants you.

just an idea :hugs:

05-05-08, 22:34
Just sending you a hug scooby:hugs:

06-05-08, 09:56
Thanks everyone. of to work today but ill still think about him all day long cos my job doesn't really keep me that busy.

06-05-08, 12:15
just keep thinking positive and try keeping busy and mayb a night out mayb get friendly with a few people xxxx

06-05-08, 12:57
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this right now.:weep: You will get over it and meet someone else though it might not feel like it right now. I'm sending you (((big hugs))) and I hope you're feeling better soon.

06-05-08, 14:15
Awww, I am so sorry you are hurting so much. Your post made me so sad :( I went thro the same very recently with my ex boyfriend who I had been with for quite a long time. I am agorahobic too and have no contact with friends or family now. What scared me apart from the rship split up itself was that it meant I was left totally alone, living alone and not seeing anyone from week to week sometimes. My ex helped me so much but what drove him away I know was how I am and I have had someone say to me on here, that I didnt drive him away, but lets face it it takes a very special person to have a rship with a moody agoraphobic with mental health issues lol I am a realist if nothing else. I think all the gloom and doom with my moods got to him. I dont blame him, and I wish him well, however I was then left on my own and it was and still is awful, but you dont die from it, and each day I am beginning to see it is getting a little easier to cope without him. I would say to you, throw yourself into your work, go out with the people from work if they go out socialising, could you increase your hours at work? pamper yourself, and keep yourself occupied as much as is possible. I always have music on in the background too which helps how I am feeling. Try to start off with making friends online too, to chat with, such as on this site or others. Dont run after him, because then he may sit up and take notice and start to wonder what you are up to and will prob then be in touch. I know how awful you are feeling and about the tears and the worry about being left alone. You will get thro it tho but for now you wont see that because its all too painful. It does get better tho, but you wont see that until much later on when you look back. Just take comfort from your friends on here and take each day as it comes for now. Let us all know how you get on. I really hope things improve for you. Lots of hugs to you

06-05-08, 18:33
Thanks carla and everyone
I live with my parents but i tend to argue with my mum alot so i try and stay out of her way really, my dad's fine i don't see him much cos he works shifts.
My two friends don't really go out as they have there families to be with so i'm gonna find myself stuck in most weekends, i've been there before when i have been dumped before, i loved him and i want him back but it is definitly the feeling of being alone all the time that really hurts cos i just feel like that won't change as i don't go out to meet people, I met him on a dating site i will probably try that again but alot of people seem to be far away to meet.

09-05-08, 17:34
It's the start of the weekend i should be happy but i'm not, i'm really gonna miss my ex this weekend after seeing him nearly every weekend for over a year. Crying again i've been good all week too. I just feel so alone.

09-05-08, 18:22
Not much help I know Scooby but heres a big:hugs: from me

Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-05-08, 18:28
Thanks Kazzie, I just miss him so much he was like my rock last year.

09-05-08, 18:31
big hugs scooby i know its no help but you will feel happy again and meet someone nice :hugs:

10-05-08, 02:04
but lets face it it takes a very special person to have a rship with a moody agoraphobic with mental health issues lol I am a realist if nothing else.

Carla!:mad: :hugs:

I wouldn't call your statement being realistic at all!!!:lac:

I'm definitely Not special but I've cared for my wife who suffers from schizophrenia for the past 18 years and How I wish she suffered from anxiety like yourself!

Never think like that because it simply Isn't true!:mad:

An anxiety sufferer is a kind Caring sensitive person who feel empathy for others so never put yourself down for Being YOU!:bighug1:

Sorry, it bugged me!:)

10-05-08, 09:37
Hi Bill
I am really sorry if I bugged you ~ it wasnt a personal attack. It sounds like you are a great husband to your wife and when I said it takes a special person to stay then I meant that in a good positive way. There are not that many men who will stay around, but then thats my own personal experience. Your wife is very lucky to have a husband like you. All my ex ever threatened was to 'section me', - that was his way of dealing with it all but then that was him and hes long gone now. It would be great if there were more good men like you around. Please dont take what I said personally ~ it was just 'in my experience' and maybe I should have worded my message a little better than I did.

11-05-08, 02:13
"Dear" Carla:hugs: ,

Of course I wasn't taking it as a personal attack. I wasn't really talking about me either. I was talking about You meaning that you shouldn't be putting Yourself down and thinking that only a "special" man would want a relationship with you because in my eyes a person with your problems wouldn't put me off but I'm Not special and I'm sure there are alot of other men just like me that you haven't met yet.

After all, men suffer the same problems so they would Love to have a woman who would understand them like You would.

I'm sorry. I was trying to praise You and everyone else on here who puts themselves down. I wasn't meaning it to sound that I was offended. It "bugged" me that you should think so little of yourself because I don't think that way of you! That's all. It's Very Sad that your ex treated you so badly and didn't care about you as you deserve! You deserve to be treated as the "special" person You are!:bighug1:

11-05-08, 10:51
"Dear" Carla:hugs: ,

Of course I wasn't taking it as a personal attack. I wasn't really talking about me either. I was talking about You meaning that you shouldn't be putting Yourself down and thinking that only a "special" man would want a relationship with you because in my eyes a person with your problems wouldn't put me off but I'm Not special and I'm sure there are alot of other men just like me that you haven't met yet.

After all, men suffer the same problems so they would Love to have a woman who would understand them like You would.

I'm sorry. I was trying to praise You and everyone else on here who puts themselves down. I wasn't meaning it to sound that I was offended. It "bugged" me that you should think so little of yourself because I don't think that way of you! That's all. It's Very Sad that your ex treated you so badly and didn't care about you as you deserve! You deserve to be treated as the "special" person You are!:bighug1: Awww Bill, thank you for that message.:) I do now realise what you were saying. I dont realise when I am putting myself down until it is pointed out to me.:huh: You sound a really nice thoughtful caring guy and that gives me optimism that not every guy is the same.
Hope you have a lovely day today.:bighug1:

12-05-08, 04:27
I dont realise when I am putting myself down until it is pointed out to me...........and that gives me optimism that not every guy is the same.

Carla:hugs: , That's Exactly what I was trying to say and do because to suffer anxiety means that the person is "caring" which in my eyes makes them "special" so they should be treated as such by others which also means that a person who holds the love of an anxiety sufferer should consider themselves the "lucky" partner in the relationship because they have someone who is precious so they should do all they can to hold onto them as to lose them is Their loss and not yours so Never put yourself down for Being YOU!:bighug1:

I think I need to word things better in future!:blush: