View Full Version : Returning to work

04-05-08, 14:59
Hi everyone. I'm returning to work tomorrow after 7 weeks off sick due to a setback (i've suffered with anxiety for over 10 years). Haven't felt too bad recently but now that i've decided to return to work, my anxiety and depersonalisation has returned big time. I know this is only anticipatory anxiety but just the thought of returning to work and the trapped feeling that goes with it is hitting me big time. I've 3 children under 10 so i need my job but this is putting added pressure on me and whether i will cope or not - i'm worried sick about losing my job as my abs ence due to sickness over the last number of years is quite bad.:weep:

04-05-08, 16:57
Hi Mannix,

Welcome to the site. I can understand you feeling anxious after being off work for so long. I feel that anyone, even someone without anxiety, would be feeling this way. I would just try to take the day in small increments of time and not look at the big picture, try a small picture. If you make 15 minutes of work then congratulate yourself then try for 30 minutes etc.

I know you can do this and before long you will be concentrating on your work and not trying to just get through the day! :yahoo:

Many :hugs: for tomorrow.

Laura :flowers:

04-05-08, 17:11
hey Hiya,
Im returning to work next week too and im scared about it. WE all think too much about whats about to happen and that makes it worse. Laura is right take every minute at a time. Hope I can do the same next week! Let us all know how you get on.

04-05-08, 17:24
:welcome: to the site! :yesyes: and good luck with work!

04-05-08, 18:03
Hello Mannix And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well.....linda

04-05-08, 20:35
hiya mannix :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . congrats on going back to work. i think anyone returning to work after some time away would feel anx about it hun . cut ur day into sections like every half hour and give urself a pat on the back. soon you will be back into it and not worrying at all. get back to us each evening and let us know how each day is going so we can help and encourage you along.
best wishes
take care:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


04-05-08, 23:15
Hi Mannix,

Just take it one day at a time.
You can do this.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

05-05-08, 00:21

Like you, I'm going back to work on thursday, its been 4 years since I've worked so as u can imagine my anticipatory anxiety is running pretty high at the mo. I'm really aware of how easy im finding it to forget all the positives in the situation though. I know its hard but we need to remember the way to overcome our fears is by facing them. I keep thinking to myself I'm not going to be able to cope- then I realise what I'm thinking and stop myself. Its really important to nip those negative thoughts in the bud before they spiral out of control. I know its easier said than done though - believe me!

It'd be really great to hear how u get on - it seems there's a few of us in the same boat at the mo.

Good luck. Just hang in there. Bet it doesn't turn out as bad as any of us think it will. Lotsa love

06-05-08, 09:23
Hello and Welcome here....:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

06-05-08, 12:39

just wondering how your first day went? hope you went home feeling happy...

07-05-08, 18:46
Thanks to everyone - went to work and as people said it wasn't as bad as i had been expecting. To anyone in the same boat i would say the feeling of achievement is great. I had also decided to be honest and up front with my work colleagues and every one of them were great and so sympathetic. I feel so good that i am no longer living a lie and to others out there worrying about the reaction of others - don't be worried and as i discovered there are so many people out there with friends and relatives who are suffering in the same way. FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY !!!!!

07-05-08, 19:04
Hi Mannix,

What a brilliant result!!!!

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Keep up the good work.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

eternally optimistic
07-05-08, 19:22
well done mannix,

know it was hard for me to go back to work, felt if i didnt do it when
i did, i would never have gone back.

Keep going, well done again.


07-05-08, 22:55
oh well done. as I said I'm going back to work tomorrow after 4 years and I'm starting to get really nervous (there's been a lot of tears and they're still flowing :) ) but Reading your post has made me feel better. Hopefully I'll be feeling as positive as you about it all once I've got through a few shifts.