View Full Version : Health Anxiety

04-05-08, 16:25

Just discovered the site and wish I had heard about it about 4 years ago when I was at my worst. I have suffered from anxiety for years really, however did not recognise it. I lost my father to a massive heart attack when I was only 17 I witnessed it and since then I have suffered terribly with Health Anxiety.

I ended up off work for about 4 months 4 years ago when things got really bad. I felt very faint a couple of times while I was at work and discovered I had anemia (which is not a serious complaint) however the indignity of fainting and making a fool of myself sent me into a downward spiral I got to the point that even the thought of going out of the house would send me into a panic attack. I got through it with the help of a counsellor and self help books. But if one more person had told me to 'pull myself together' I think I would have gone completely mad!! If only it was that simple eh!

I now manage to function fairly well on a day to day basis,however it is still there and it is still a fight to keep control of it all. I no longer feel like a freak, although I do wish I could switch my questioning brain off now and again and give myself a rest.

It has been great reading all the posts and realising I am not alone. My counsellor did tell me that my questioning brain is a sign of great intelligence and that the fact I need reason and explanation for everything is not always a bad thing. The jury is out on that!!

Sorry for the long post


04-05-08, 17:04
Hi Jodie,

Welcome to the site and thankyou for sharing your story with us.

I hope you enjoy it here and make some lovely new friends.

Take care

Love Lisa
xxx :flowers:

04-05-08, 23:00
Hi Jodie,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

04-05-08, 23:30
hiya jodie :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . what a terrible thing for you to have seen at such a tender age :bighug1: :bighug1: . you will get lots of support/advice and reassurance from all the lovely ppl here and make some great friends along the way. i hope to talk to you in the chat room some time.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .


05-05-08, 16:31

Its no wonder you feel like you do especially having witnessed losing your father.

Please use this site, anything you feel write down on the forum or visit the chat room. There is 99% always someone who feels as you do.


11-05-08, 16:38
Thanks for the replies. It feels great to know there are people out there that understand and don't judge.
