View Full Version : dont know what to do now.....how to tackle

05-05-08, 00:00
:weep: let me start it from the begining.

MY PROBLEM - goes back to april, 1999 that is 9 years back when i was in second year of school one night i started feeling heart beat increasing or palpitations at night . i went to my internal medicine proff got ecg done and it was nothing but sinus tachycardia and they said that take anti anxiety pil or something but later on it kept on giving me like clinch ist sensation on my left side of chest makng me feel that i am having heart attack or something but this ha been going since 9 years. i met many doctors , got tess done but nothing and than they said its neurocirculatory dystonia or asthenia.. lIKE MY AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM DOES IT TO ME AND YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT AND FORGET ABOUT IT , ITS NOTHING ,
but i had very vague symptoms, sometimes irregular heart beat feeling in my chest , sometmes sweating, dizziness, it would come when i wold be sitting also ..than i wold have anxiety attacks and i felt lke my blood pressure increased as othewise also i would feel pulsation in my body when i did a lot of work.. so it kept on going that way

every year i would get tests done , ecg, blood work, even MRI of brain as i am medical doctor but nothing was found and i kept on living with it, than i thought that i should exercise and i started running and exercising which made me feel better for my heart beat problem but it started giving me lot of stifness in my body and also diziness sometimes . but sometimes i felt i dont have any energy, i never took any medicine or anything but now this thing was getting on to me and i decided that ther is no point of livng lke this and once again i went to see cardiologist, got ecg , holter monitr done but nothing
i feel somethng like that and that i have aso some problem with my circulation . now my body feels pulsatile, stiff in back, neck, when i walk i feel tense, heated , pin prick sensation in head .. i can keep going on and on .. i dont know how can i tackle this . what shoul i do, i am 29 years old and i feel future very bleakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
please help if anyone have any suggestions. what the hell is this

05-05-08, 00:50
If you have had other conditions ruled out by doctors then it is most likely anxiety and the more you stress about it the worse it's going to feel I'm afraid :( It might be helpful to try some relaxtion exercises such as yoga or deep breathing.

05-05-08, 02:08
doctor say its all in your head .. i dont know really where the hell is it in my head................................. really i dont know

is there anyone else who had same symptoms, problems? how did they cope with it thanks

05-05-08, 10:48
Take a look around the site, click the symptoms link on the left and it will explain why you get each of the scary symptoms.

Relaxation and distraction techniques I find help me. Just try to think of other things, deep breathing exercises, phoning someone up and having a conversation with them helps me a lot.

06-05-08, 00:58
thanks. any more inpus are appreciated