View Full Version : Raised lump on back

05-05-08, 00:19

Its been a while, I have been doin better. My current concern is thinking I have skin cancer what with all the press and media coverage of this at the moment. I have a area on my right shoulder blade where I have a number of moles. I am panic stricken checking all my moles all the time but these are different as I can not see them except in a mirror. My wife says they are ok except she does not know what a bad one should look like. Any how I am forever gettin an itch near my right sholder blade and my wife says it is nowhere near my moles...so that is fine. The other day I felt my right shoulder blade with my left hand, and I felt what seemed like a mole that was raised and had a lump under it, when I rubbed it it was itchy. I am so afraid that I have discovered a faulty cancerous mole that I dared'nt feel it again or ask my wife what it is as I am afraid it is the worst. I watched the embarassing illness program on skin cancer the other day and I now feel sick with worry. What do I do, if my fears are confirmed by the docs, who I have been to for so many other aches and pains before, can they save me or has it spread too far, if it is just a over sensitive finger which felt a spot or something else I will look a fool.


05-05-08, 00:48
If you go now and it does turn out to be the worst case scenario I'm sure they will have found it in time. Please don't hesitate to see your doctor if you feel something is not right with your body.

05-05-08, 05:35
It's probably nothing but it won't hurt to go see your doctor just to clear your mind. :yesyes:

05-05-08, 13:36
Go and get them checked and then let your wife look and she will see what looks ok ,even take a photo. then get her to check reularly for any changes, the channel 4 program had advice on what to look for on thier website so maybe you could both look on there and see what to look for. I have a large mole on my shoulder and it itched the other day when I scratched there was blood major panic till I realised mole was on the other shoulder LOL:doh:
and I had scratched a spot.
Take care

06-05-08, 13:02
I too have been down the skin cancer road! I am very moley and decided that my moles where all either itchy, raised, growing etc. after having an itchy one on my back and 'researching' skin cancer!

I looked on the internet and discovered that most of my moles did look like the kind where they diagnose you with skin cancer and then give you 6 months to live!
I printed pictures off to show people so they could compare the ones on my back, the ones I couldn't see properly! I even went into my sons room at night to look at his moles while he was asleep, he is moley too and I didn't want to worry him cos some of his looked funny too and he was only 14 at the time.

I went to our docs, luckily one of the GPs is a skin specialist and I made him look at every mole on our bodies, I was amazed at what moles were ok cos according to the internet they were the most deadliest!
I ended up having two cut off, cos they rubbed on my jeans and bra and my son had a big one cut off his back, there was nothing wrong with it but he said it was in the middle of his back and teenage boys are not good with sun cream so it would be better to take it off now and then he (or me) would never have to worry about it.

He also said that once most moles are cut out, if they are cancerous then thats it cos the mole is gone and so is the cancer.

Please go to your docs, it only took one visit to mine to sort it out and its the not knowing that kills you. Once you know what you're dealing with you can just get on with and deal with it

06-05-08, 18:22
I would go to your doc if you are in anyway worried they can only say it's fine, i had my first mole removed last year and it turned out to be cancerous, they cut a bit more out to check it hadn't spread that was it for me 4 weeks of stitches. it hadn't spread but i know have to have regular check up's.

09-05-08, 23:17
Thanx Guys

Went to docs and they looked at all of my moles and said they were all ok. Gave me some cream for a rash on my back. The docs will soon run out of space for my medical records...LOL.

Best to be safe than sorry.
