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View Full Version : Today I have.......Monday

05-05-08, 10:46
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

05-05-08, 10:47
"Only those who risk going too far can know how far they can go."


05-05-08, 10:52
:yesyes: :hugs: today i have stayed alone with my daughter while husband went on 2 hour bikereide with his friend!!!:yesyes: which is brill because he gets to do normal stuff and which is a sign that im recovering well because i wouldnt have coped last year - id have has to have phoned my mum-in-law to check she was in - at 7.30 am!!! ive rang them much ealier than that!!!:blush: where else are they going to be at that time of the morning?!:blush:

and anyway i dont wan to be ringing them - if i panic, i panic, SO WHAT!!!! it cant/wont/hasnt killed me ever before. ive never lost control or gone crazy and i can still function:yesyes:

btw - is that your garden next to your name? if so its lovely:yesyes: hope you are okay too lindy?:flowers:

05-05-08, 11:00
Emmas well done what a fantastic triumph for you :whistles: xxhugxx
Yes that is our garden we call that section the cottage garden through the gazeebo is a larger garden with dahlia beds. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to do anything out there this year but it is looking after itself quite nicely with the plants coming up and flowering.. xxhugxx

05-05-08, 11:03
:yesyes: well it is gorgeous, and i bet the bit thats looking after itself is gorgeous too!!! well done, maybe make that a goal for yourself? how are you lindy?:hugs:

05-05-08, 11:27
:hugs: Hello Emmas, I am not so good today, thank you for caring enough to ask it means an awful lot xxhugxx

05-05-08, 12:13
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Lindi

Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-05-08, 12:40
:hugs: if you ever want to chat lindy please feel free to pm me, i do care and i know you care too:hugs: :flowers:

05-05-08, 16:18
Well done to Emmas and Lindy - hope you feel better very soon Lindy.

Today I went to the local shops alone - haven't been there on my own for over a year!!:blush: The sun was shining and it was quite quiet outside so I just picked up my keys (and purse - phew) and went - oooerr! Kept chanting Dr Claire Weekes stuff in my head "If your legs feel weak, let them feel weak - they're still good legs!"

Wendy xxxx

05-05-08, 16:35
Today I have.... coped with feeling very tired and anxious and not had a panic attack. ALso going to go to Relate again tonight and that makes me feel crap but am going!!!!!
Lindy, Love your garden it looks lovely.:flowers: :flowers:

05-05-08, 16:38
Massive :hugs: :hugs: and a big well done to Emma and Wendy, how well you all seem to be doing. It's great that we can post and encourage each other :hugs:

Lindy, I'm sorry you arent feeling too well but hopefully with the arrival of Spring, and the sun lol, you will start to feel better in yourself :hugs:

I havent really done anything 'new' today but have been packing boxes. The Summer house has become the temporary storage shed and is groaning with possessions now taped inside boxes lol. You'd think by the amount in there that I'd finished, but believe me I havent even made a dent in the house lol

Hope you are all having a good day

Happy Monday eveyone


05-05-08, 16:40
Sorry Hazel :blush: was typing while you were so I didnt see your post lol

Glad you have had a good day and well done for coping with the anxious feelings without having the panic attack :hugs:

Onwards and upwards


05-05-08, 18:32
Well done to all those who triumphed today xxhugxx:whistles:

05-05-08, 18:49
today i stayed in the house avoiding the crowds of tourists that start invading this wee town for the holidays

06-05-08, 07:35
even though its tuesday now :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to everyone, especially you lindy to help you to feel better :flowers: