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05-05-08, 11:00

I felt I had to write in and tell everyone my story!

3 years ago I suddenly went very dizzy, I went to the emergency docs who said is was vertigo and gave me some tablets. I have always suffered with a bit of health anxiety but did not know this at the time, I decided to go and see my GP for reassurance.

He did all sorts of tests and said well, I don't think you've got MS! I said What do you mean you don't think? so he proceeded to tell me MS can start with dizziness but is hard to diagnose etc. It had never even entered my head about MS!
I came out of there in total shock and immediately googled MS, BIG mistake!
There followed nearly two years of me being convinced I had MS and my doctors had misdiagnosed me. You name it, I had it, tingling, burning, pins and needles, blurry vision, every sympton I read about I then developed! I drove my doctors mad, one lady doc said at the beginning my partner has MS if you need to know anything come and see me - I saw her everyday for 2 months lol I can laugh now but at the time it was pure hell!

I demanded to see a neurologist which I paid privately for cos I thought I would be crippled with MS by the time the NHS would see me, the neurologist told me it was just nerves, anxiety etc but he let me read the letter referring me from my docs so then I was convinced he was believing them not me (they said I was a nervous wreck and was doing it to myself!) I did take comfort from what he said for a while but anyone with health anxiety knows reassurances don't last for long!! I was soon back on the internet convincing mysely even more!

I ended up at A & E cos of my dizziness and they said I had a hole in my ear drum from an old ear infection and this would make me off balance/woozy. They really listened to me and did various checks and said MS wasn't an issue. I felt great and went back to my GPs to get a referral to an ear, nose and throat doc. My GP said a hole in your ear drum won't make you dizzy!!
Off we go again!! Back to the internet, MS totally consumed my every day life, it's all I thought about, talked about and dreamt about!

My GP referred me to our practise counsellor and I have to say she was brilliant, she really helped put me on the road to recovery! She taught me to think whatever thoughts I needed to think as they then become fleeting thoughts instead of all consuming thoughts. Everyone had been telling me to distract myself before, which as we all know doesn't work cos all you end up thinking about is your particular health anxiety!!
It really did work, as the days passed on I still thought about MS alot but also found my mind wandering on to other things too.
She also made me see why my health was a bigger issue to me than to other people, I have a son who would be left alone if anything happened to me etc.
I realised I had always had this health anxiety, I used to worry about cancer alot but since discovering MS I prayed for cancer instead!!

We had an eldery GP at our practise who would give you anything you wanted so I made her refer me to a private ear nose and throat doc. Seeing him was brilliant, it cost me £1000 but was worth every penny, he really listened and went through all my health history and after numerous tests I was finally diagnosed with labyrinthitis. I had had a chest infection, in fact was hospitalised with it just before I went dizzy and the labyrinthitis was a residue of that chest infection!

I still have odd moments of worry about MS but I just think it and then get on with every day life. I sometimes get twitching and tingling but I more or less ignore them too, cos they do seem to be when I'm worrying, run down, highly stressed.

I hope I can help somebody with my story, there is light at the end of the tunnel - I promise lol.

My counsellor even taught me to think that MS wouldn't be the end of the world!! I never thought I would be able to think that never mind even type it!!

Good luck everyone, remember you are not alone and you can get through this!!

05-05-08, 11:06
Hi Dumpling,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Your determination not to let your problems get the better of you is inspirational.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes,

05-05-08, 22:31
Hi there

Thanks for posting your story - I am going through a similar thing at the moment and am terrified I have MS. I am waiting on an MRI and the neurologist has told me MS is unlikely, he doesn't think I have a progressive illness but thinking about it constantly is tearing me apart. I can't think about anything else at all - if I do manage it, it all comes back to MS. Have also been told by my GP that he thinks it is anxiety but I can't seem to accept it totally. I am terrified to get my scan and terrified not to get it.

I see ordinary people going about their lives and wish I was one of them. Its ruining my life and my partner's life. This all started for me with a trapped nerve in my arm and it has snowballed because I read about MS - and after I did that, got pins and needles, tingling, tremblling, sore back, muscle aches and pains, blurring in my eye (though I'm never too sure about that one) and just feeling like I can go on with my life anymore.

I am just so scared but your story gives me comfort - thanks for posting this. I think I need some sort of counselling to help me deal with why this is happening and what has caused it. I used to be a normal person thinking about normal things and now all I think about is wasting away and ending up blind and in a wheelchair.

05-05-08, 23:07
hi welcome to the forums you will get lots of help here, this places has help me out so much.

thanks for posting your story

Amanda (((((hug)))))