View Full Version : Crying

05-05-08, 13:06
Do you think not being allowed to cry does you damage? xxhugxx

05-05-08, 13:13
Hi Lindy,

I think having a good cry is a great way to release pent-up emotions.
Holding things inside can only make things worse.
Best wishes,

05-05-08, 13:22
Trouble is Chalky I am not allowed to cry if I come even close to it I am told not to I think this is probably the root of my anxiety. xxhugxx

05-05-08, 13:29
Hi Lindy,

Have you somewhere private you can go?
Take yourself off for a walk,if possible,find somewhere and let it go.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

05-05-08, 13:37
hi lindy i think you have to cry to release anger upset hurt whatever it is, if we dont it just builds up side and evetually our insides cant take anymore and our body will react in a certain way to tell us look i cant hold this in anymore, this is why alot of people metally fall apart. a similar thing happend to me years ago no one understood me or even wanted to, everyone was do there own thing even those closest to me and i just erupted in the end and had a minor break down, and all of a sudden everyone wanted to help and i was just furious as i felt if someone would have helped me then it probably would not have got this far. so i think crying is a must even if you have to do it in secret away from others you have to let stuff out. lindy dont forget if you ever need to chat you can always email me xxxx

05-05-08, 13:41
No at the moment I cannot go out other than just outside the door due to anxiety and I am never alone. xxhugxx

05-05-08, 13:45
Crying, anger, they are natures ways of dealing with stress. You don't get rid of it, it just builds up, or gets repressed, only to reappear at a later date.


05-05-08, 13:53
Lindy you got to cry even if your husband says no lock yourself in yr bedroom bathroom wherever have a really good cry and tell them that you have to do this otherwise you will end up ill again..