View Full Version : pregnant with low blood pressure!!

Laura xx
04-04-05, 13:12
As most you you know I am 10 weeks pregnant and have been going cold turkey of effexor for 5 weeks. I have had days where I have felt really dreadfull!

Well yesterday i had my first midwife appointment only to be told that my blood pressure is really low. Which explains why I have felt tired, faint, strange etc...

But was wondering is chest pain is a symptom of low blood pressure? I gave up smoking on Friday and am using 2mg chewing gum.

I know I am rambling a bit, but not feeling great and am now worried because I have low blood pressure!

Laura xxx

Laura xx
04-04-05, 13:25
Well my midwife said that they don't actually treat low blood pressure, they only treat high blood pressure.

She told me not to drive at the moment and not to go out shopping or anything on my own, which is a bit difficult with two other children xx

It's just that I am not great with anything that feels unusual going on inside of me at the best of times xx

This just adds to my worry

Laura xx

04-04-05, 13:27
hi laura,

great news on your pregancy, well done you.

i gave up smoking for 3 years and to begin with my chest did hurt and i did find that the gum also caused a bit of chest tightness and constant hiccups!!!

You are going through alot at the moment, coming off meds, pregancy and now the smoking, give yourself a huge pat on the back as you are doing fantastically well......and will continue to do so.

dont be too hard on yourself thought........make sure you have some occasionaly treats!!!!

take care


Laura xx
04-04-05, 13:38
Thanks Lucy,

She did say that I should return to normal by the middle of the second trimester - so I suppose I should get used to it!

I had only just started to get out and about on my own again, because my anxiety/panic attacks were really bad when coming of my meds.

But now I am hemmed back into the house, which is never a good thing for me because the less I go out, the less I want to, till in the end I can't and I have to start all over again!

Good job I've got an angel for a husband!!

I WILL get there in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura xx

04-04-05, 14:43
Hi Laura,

Sounds like you have the right attitude towards things.
I agree with Doddy.....you have 2 other children now pregnant again. Many congrats with that.
Given up smoking....WELL DONE for that. 2 achievements you should be proud of yourself.
3rdly you have come off your meds......well all I can say is well....you should be bloody pleased with yourself honey.
I am...

Take little steps with the going out thing. Even if it's to the end of your path or going out into the garden. I know it's hard when you have 2 other children, but, I have a feeling you are going to overcome this in great strides.

Keep it going honey.

with good wishes


04-04-05, 15:25
hi laura,


I have low blood pressure, and it was bad when i was pregnant, was very dizzy and felt i was going to pass out a lot, it was a really hot summer as well which made it worse, just try having lots little snacks and drinks through the day,

i never ever passed out but thought i was going to a few times, good luck all the best get them feeet up when you can hard with 2 kids i know but take it easy you are doing brilliant well done xx

kairen x

04-04-05, 16:06
Hi Laura,

Well done for both enormous achievements at once... giving up an SSRI cold turkey is hard going but for all the best reasons this time so really well done there and now the smoking .. excellent news

Keep it up .

Low blood pressure is very common in early pregancy and soon sorts itself out and its preferable to have this than high blood pressure ...

Make sure than you make the most of opportunities when there is someone to go out with you so you don't lose the comfidence and progress you've made so far .


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-04-05, 17:55
Hi Laura
First of all Congratulations on your pregnancy and second Congratulations on giving up smoking (says me lighting up another one lol). As for the chest pain i think thats pretty much run of the mill when you pack the dreaded weed up. My mate gave up and after 2 weeks suffered with a chest infection (not saying that will happen to you), just think smokers do tend to suffer a bit when they give up. My neighbour had a worse cough when she packed it in to start with than she had when she was smoking, it gradually eased off.
You're doing really well and i'm sure if the midwife was that worried about the blood pressure she'd be having you in for weekly checks or something.
Take good care of yourself and you'll soon start to enjoy your pregnancy.
Take care

04-04-05, 18:25
I've done a lot of research on blood pressure, after suffering pre eclampsia twice. From what I've read low blood pressure isn't a worry, and it is mostly lower than normal in early pregnancy.

I've found that checking mine at home helps, but then I've only suffered with high bp. Really I just hope that yours stays on the lower side. If you do feel lightheaded or faint, just sit down and have a warm milky drink. What better excuse is there than pregnancy for putting your feet up.

Take care and all the best with your pregnancy!!


04-04-05, 22:27
Congratulations and Well done!

I admire you for tackling three things at once. Giving up smoking is stressful enough without being pregnant and giving up the meds as well. don't worry about the bp it is always better for it to be on the low side as long as it isnt really low but as has been said before the midwife would have had you having regular checks if it was a problem. Just make sure you dont overdo it and get lots of rest( I know that this is hard with two others to chase after). Just take small steps with going out. This is advice that I am regularly given. Again dont over do it and try to go too far. Little and often.

Take care and be well
