View Full Version : Anxiety and Work ?

05-05-08, 13:53
Hi everyone. I'm returning to work tomorrow after 7 weeks off sick due to a setback (i've suffered with anxiety for over 10 years). Haven't felt too bad recently but now that i've decided to return to work, my anxiety and depersonalisation has returned big time. I know this is only anticipatory anxiety but just the thought of returning to work and the trapped feeling that goes with it is hitting me big time. I've 3 children under 10 so i need my job but this is putting added pressure on me and whether i will cope or not - i'm worried sick about losing my job as my absence due to sickness over the last number of years is quite bad. How do other people feel or cope and does anyone have any special tips. Cheers all ! :)

05-05-08, 18:56
hiya, i don't really know what to say but i do kind of know how you feel. i get like that usually on a sunday before i have to get back into the routine of taking my daughter to school. (thats been one of my hardest things to do) i went for weeks without getting her to school coz i was just to anxious to leave the house, then felt guilty for her not being there, then got snappy with everyone and also into troube from the school headmaster coz she was missing school. i eventually managed to start getting her there again but thats about the only time i go out.
just try think of you doing it for your kids. try really hard not to think about it. sorry im not a lot of help but im here if you ever want to chat :)

05-05-08, 21:29
Hi Mannix10

I know exactly where your coming from hun I was off work for nearly 6 months last year with anxiety/panic, and i was worried stiff i'd loose my job. During the year i had been off the odd week and then for 6 months as i said, but i was told that they cant sack you if your off sick and have a sick note to cover you.
While i was off i felt lots better (no pressure) but when it came to the night before going back to work i got myself into a right tizzy....what a mess i was. I know now it was the anticipation and worry of facing everyone and thinking "what will i do if i panic and feel like this at work" and make myself look a right 'numpty'.....I must have "what if'd" every single senario possible. But next day when i got there it was a lot better than id imagined and worried about. I did feel apprehensive, but everyone was nice and pleased to see me back that it helped ease me back in gently, and the panicy thoughts subsided and werent as bad. Then before i knew it, it was break time...lunch time...then home time.
I still get the heebeegeebies most sunday nights....like now:wacko: because i know ive got to go to work tommorow. Dont know if this will help you as i know youve got young children still, but what really helps me cope now is to go into work earlier, so that i get there before everyone else....and its great because its so quiet and peaceful that i can sort out myself and my desk.....have a cuppa, and then just chill before everyone else comes in. I even bought myself one of those little squidgy stress toys its like a spongey rubbery stuff that you can squeeze and stuff when you feel anxious, and that helps me too because i tend to fidget when im anxious.
I really hope you will feel better and im sure you will be ok once you get there.
Hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

05-05-08, 22:52
i get depersonlization, and it was not very nice working will i had it, i feel so tired as well, but i kind of throw myself into my work (iused to work with adults with learing diffcutes, my prioaty had to be for them more then my slef, i carred a big smoth stone around in my pocket and rubed it all the time and i rember i could not eat or drink hot drinks evrry thing didnt have a tast, so i siped on some lomanaid with stair of bethlemhem, rock rose and aspin that seem to help me out alout.

after beening at work for a week i seem to slip back into work nicely and didnt have any problems but i was still carrying my stone around with me and drinking my lemonaid mis but wil fizzy water.

i hope every thing gose well for you
hugs to you

Amanda xx

06-05-08, 00:02
Hello :)

Going back to work after time out is very hard. I took a year out and thought I would never go back. Nobody there knew what was really wrong, although they must have suspected something.

Anyway - I went back and haven't looked back! You can do it - anticipatory anxiety is difficult, but I think you can combat it with positive thoughts. At the end of the day, you know you CAN do it. Panic is nasty but nothing bad will happen.

I do still get anxious at work sometimes, but I always just remember that is only anxiety and it cannot hurt me.

I wish you the very best of luck - you will be fine!

06-05-08, 23:31
hi, i was off work 4 years ago for 11 weeks. I dreaded my return to work - i manage a team of 15 people and it was the behaviour of one of the team - (my deputy and their alcohol problem that led me to having panic attacks at the time) I felt unsupported and vulnerable and felt i was mismanaging the rest of the team as so much time was being spent on this individual with no resolution. When i returned to work i was advised to do a phased return - shorter days etc but i found this very hard to do as the reality is once you are back at your desk people just assume you are cured and fighting fit. It took another 2 years from my return to work for the root cause to be addressed and if im honest its still not sorted properly now.
Anyway the best advice i could give is that if you have an occupational health officer available then speak to them and they could perhaps look at a phased return for you - also dont worry about what people think - you just go in and do what you can each day and ask for help if needed. If there are times you are not coping then speak to someone and be honest and let them know how you are feeling - much better this than you going off sick again.

Have you had a meeting with your manager to discuss your return to work? You are entitled to this and i would really push for it as this will give understanding and support and hopefully ease you back in.

I wish you well - please pm me if you want to chat - i am a manager and i have had to deal with other team members long term absences as well as my own so if i can help i am happy to

K xx