View Full Version : Heart Palpitations - I'm Worried

05-05-08, 15:15
Hello, I am new to this forum. I wanted to ask if anyone has advice on heart palpitations? I've had them off and on since I was about 22 (I'm now 35). About 7 years ago I wore a 24-hour heart monitor and of course didn't have any that day--so the cardiologist said I am young and healthy, just am more sensitive to feeling palpitations than the normal person.

Didn't feel any palpitations for a few years, or just one every once in awhile, then about 12 months ago I came onto a lot of stress (work, moving house, death in the family), and my palpitations came on with a vengeance. I started feeling them daily and all different kinds, skipping beats, flutters, fast beating, you name it.

Since then I've tried to get a handle on my stress. I've been exercising and relaxing. But just when I think I'm fine, relaxed, dealing great with stress, I go and feel a palpitation. It's like they won't leave me--ever.

Does anyone else feel palpitations, even when they think they are relaxed and not stressed out or anxious at all?

It's very frsutrating to me. My anxiety gets worse and I start to think maybe there is something wrong with my heart afterall. I haven't been to a doctor about this as my rational mind tells me it's just anxiety, and I've been to her for so many other medical complaints this last year, I'm afraid she'll just roll her eyes.

I'd love some reassurance if anyone else recognises these symptoms.


05-05-08, 16:12
Hello BKF & Welcome ,

What you describe is exactly what I've been feeling lately.

There have been extra stressors in my life that have set them off again just as you mentioned.

It sounds like it is due to anxiety, but if it would give you peace of mind I would go to the DR.

She is there to help you and not judge you. Just tell her exactly what has been going on in your life and what you have been feeling
( as you have here ) . All very valid reasons to have it checked out.

This way you will know for sure what is going on and can treat yourself accordingly.

That's just my two cents worth. You'll get a lot of support here.

Wishing you all the best:flowers:


05-05-08, 16:19

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of great people and advice here, and also lots of people who daily suffer with palpiations.

I really recognise these symptoms, I get palpitations pretty much every day, and at varying levels. To the odd flutter to as you say manicly beating heart. I have had an ECG done, and I am all clear.

I would reccomend that you perhaps just mention it to your doctor, not because I think there is anything wrong, just for your piece of mind, and to reinforce and reassure you that everything is OK.

I know what your saying when you say everything is fine, and bam there one is! Its rubbish isn't it hey.

Anyways hugs, there is an excellent section as well on palpitations on this site.

Keep smiling, and keep visiting this site, its a brilliant help!


05-05-08, 19:04
Thanks for your replies, they really make me feel better, and thanks for welcoming me. I guess I should talk to my doctor about it, although appointments and tests could be days or even weeks away, and of course I want to feel better about it all now.

Thanks for the advise on the palpitations section on this website too. It was really helpful. One thing that it doesn't mention is that palpitations can be brought on by an empty stomach, which has been the case with me at times I think--like something like meals too far apart and low blood sugar.

I just wish I could go into a period of "remission" with these palpitations. I just hate it that I don't feel as anxious or stressed anymore and I'm still getting them.


05-05-08, 22:10
I have had ectopic beats, pvc's for past 25 yrs and when they are bad they are very bad like every 3rd beat is ectopic beat which feels awful. This can last at worst for weeks at a time!! They are worse when I am relaxed and go away when my heart beats faster. So it adds up that yours get worse when you are relaxed.

Cathy V
06-05-08, 22:49
Hi, you're certainly in good company here with those awful palpitations, ectopics, flutters etc. had mine off and on since age 22 and now 54. Most people get them but some of us are more sensitive to them. you say you can't understand why you've got them coz you're feelin relaxed, hmmm.....well could it be that youve logged on here and asked about them that you're still anxious? I think that once we've had an 'episode' of them, we are always alert for the next time, and the anticipation of them keeps us anxious, albeit at a low level. Hope that makes sense :wacko:

Regards, Cathy V x oh and welcome to the forum, great bunch and lots of help!