View Full Version : A poem that I wrote.

05-05-08, 16:24
Fearing Fear and Fighting Free

I fight these demons deep inside will they ever rest and just subside

The feelings of fear are so unreal can people understand how I possibly feel.

As I go about my everyday life the anxieties around me causing such strife

Worrying thoughts raging here and there why doesn’t my mind ever seem to play fair.

I begin to feel despondent despair irritated by the frightful panic that is there.

Be strong and carry on I say over again the panic must not take over and win it’s so hard not to give in to this dreadful sin.

Fight or flight they often say it’s so hard to try and do what’s right.

As I muster courage from deep within I’m determined not to let the dreaded panic win.

Standing tall and not going to fall it’s bravery that I will try to call.

I fill my mind with calming thoughts a glimmer of hope starts to arise as I wash away worry and come out from my disguise.

Exhausted and drained like a run away train

Acceptance I know is the key to reach the freedom of peace within me

I know It will pass I know I will cope and I know I must believe in hope.

Thanks for reading,:hugs:

Love Pip's X X X X

05-05-08, 16:42
aww thats lovely pips, it definately helps sometimes writing poems, i have done it myself, it helps me get out alot of anger sadness hurt etc i have felt. you should keep writing xxx

05-05-08, 20:49
Thanks Donna,

Your so right I find it helps to expressing your emotions etc...

Thanks for your kind words hun.:hugs:

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

05-05-08, 22:52
Hi Pips, lovely!! you are so talented,

05-05-08, 22:55
that was so good to read pips it says alot about how alot of us feel from day to day

di xx

05-05-08, 22:55
Thats really good Pips:hugs:

I agree with Alexis hun you are so talented!:flowers:


06-05-08, 21:22
Thanks so much Alexis Di and Andrea for you kind words BIG:hugs: to you all.

Take Care

Love Pip's X X X X

06-05-08, 21:39

what a lovely poem, i wish i could write like that......

love dawny

07-05-08, 04:23
thanks for sharing your poem with us all and i know what ya mean bout writing poetry i also write it lol
well done and keep it up


lea xx

07-05-08, 21:24
Thanks so very much Dawny & Lea.:hugs:

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X