View Full Version : Help, I'm new

05-05-08, 16:27
I have been reading this forum for awhile now. I'm posting because my symptoms and anxiety are so bad I can't fuction. I am having dull pain under my rib on the right side. Sometimes it is low at the bottom of the rib cage ,sometimes high at the top of the rib cage. Often my back hurts in the same area. It just moves around in that area. If I am busy I don't feel it. As soon as I think about it it's back. I am sure I have liver cancer.( yes,I have googled). I don't have any other symptoms and I have had my gallblader removed years ago. I went to the doctor, he couldn't feel anything but said this could be important and gave me a stack of papers for half a dozen tests. He scared me so badly I can't get the tests done for fear I was right all along. Help this is all I think about, and it is really affecting my life. I just want to lay in bed and wait for the next symptom.

05-05-08, 16:36
hi there and welcome, im sorry you feel so down. well im thinking here what to put as i not good with tis sort of thing but i would say, definately have the bloodtests because once they come back you will know for sure and i did a few months back had loads of bloodtests and all came back fine but i was really panicking, im sure you are fine and like me its down to anxiety and panic but it will put your mind at rest once you had these tests and they come back with in a week and you will know xxx

05-05-08, 17:12
:welcome: to the site! :yesyes:

I had a sharp pain/sometimes dull that lasted for 2 months right in the middle of my chest. I would go for bike rides and guess what i didnt notice the pain but once i got off the bike there it was again. Anyway i went to see my GP and he checked everything out and said it looks like anxiety to him and honestly 2 days later it was gone and has never came back, funny hey?

Anxiety can play strange tricks both on your mind and your body but i know one thing and that is if you don't fear your symptom it cant get any worse and it will soon go away. It's the fear that keeps the pain going.

Take care and hope you feel better soon! :yesyes:

05-05-08, 18:09
Hi there

im sorry your having such a hard time.

it sounds to me like your body is taking the anxiety/panic in a phsyical way and causing pain as well as emotional. your body is a strange thing and anxiety will adapt its self to what ever and it can be destressing.

My anxiety has taken a turn and results are migraines which plague my life, they are so violent and can lasts for days. ive had scans and its deffianatly anxiety, you see it comes on everytime i have a worrying situation.

Take care and sending you a hug:hugs: :hugs:

05-05-08, 18:11

i forgot to say, a big warm :welcome: to the site , so glad you found us.
your safe here and can chat about your problems and make alot of friends along the way.
