View Full Version : Swaying when in a conversation - anyone?

05-05-08, 19:12
Hi Everyone,

I suffer from panic disorder, I have done for years but had it under control up until Jan this year, culminating in me missing my best mates wedding in Mauritius 3 weeks ago. It was then that I gave in started taking medcation for it. This seems to be helping but still cant shift some problems.

1. I can't talk to people in a 121 chat. I start to sway/ feel dizzy/ think im in a dream and this sets of the cycle of needing to escape. I take a deep breath and start searching for ways out of the conversation and pronto :blush:

Anyone know how to stop it or any advice on it as it really is ruining my social and professional life.

Thanks All

Blaise xx

05-05-08, 20:38
I can kind of relate to this, sometimes if im having a one to one conversation with someone standing up i start to think im going to fall over for like no reason, and end up feeling like im swaying i usually have to hold on to something to make it stop, so end up probably looking really stupid by backing towards a table or something while chatting, and eventually making an excuse and leaving pronto!!!

05-05-08, 20:46
I relate to this too as when I was working always ended up leaning on counters or shelving and knocking things over!
The more I thought about it the worse it was. Still have this when in one to one with folks. Even on Sat night while at bar on evening out. Speaking to the Bar man and felt swaying and had to take shoes off so I would be stable. (Wasn't drunk as I don't drink!)
Can't think of anything to help but the more you think about it the worse it gets.
Take care
Love Hazel ox:hugs:

05-05-08, 22:38
Hiya Blaise,

I think the swaying/unsteadiness is all part of the anxiety symptoms :( I think they were probably the first symptoms I ever experienced. The more panicky I felt the more I would concentrate on my "unsteadiness" - grrr. I guess the thing to do (well for me anyway) is to do all the usual things like breath properly, loosen up etc and then hopefully that'll take your mind of the swaying. Easier said than done I know, but I think it works.

Good luck!

Wendy xx

06-05-08, 09:40
I relate to this too as when I was working always ended up leaning on counters or shelving and knocking things over!
The more I thought about it the worse it was. Still have this when in one to one with folks. Even on Sat night while at bar on evening out. Speaking to the Bar man and felt swaying and had to take shoes off so I would be stable. (Wasn't drunk as I don't drink!)
Can't think of anything to help but the more you think about it the worse it gets.
Take care
Love Hazel ox:hugs:

I too can relate to this, and often when feeling anxious getting this swaying feeling, or a feeling that I am staggering to the left. Also as mentioned above I have been known to take my shoes off, particularly if wearing high heels, hence when I know I am now going to be in a situation where I am going to feel anxious I tend to wear flatish shoes.


06-05-08, 10:52

this sounds so like me when im talking to someone, also like Kaz i live in flat shoes ..

love sandyjanexxx

06-05-08, 11:30
I can totally relate to this too..I start to go red then sweat and the more I try to stop it the worse it becomes. I even had to jack my job in because of and I try and avoid social situations unless i've had a few drinks in my first.:weep:

Tricky Tree
06-05-08, 13:46
Have you given the medication long enough to kick in?

Seroxat takes about 2 weeks to really see any benefit and you will feel worse before you feel better.

As a general tip, regulate your breathing. Longer, slower breaths will cool you down .

I know what you mean though - light headedness, bit floaty, bit like you are going to topple over. Almost a bit drunk?

Not easy I know - it does pass if you stick with it.

But thats easy for me to say in here - not so easy with practice!!!

06-05-08, 15:15
Thanks Guys,

Good to know that you can all relate to this. Its that whole thinking about it more and more and not wanting the person you are talking to, to notice anythings wrong with you. I steady myself on things too and find it really scary and annoying. Just been for a walk on the canal and couldnt walk in a straight line, drives me mad!

Im taking cipralex at the moment in conjunction with Diazepam, but stopped the diaz 1 week ago and am getting some symptoms back like the 'morning rush' and loss of apetite which leads to me feeling that I will get ill if I dont eat - cycle etc etc!

Thanks for advice guys

Sam xx

06-05-08, 17:30
Hi Blaise
I too get like that when I'm in a conversation with someone. Sometimes I can be fine and then it comes from no where and the panic sets in. I think it's all just down to anxiety.
With me being engaged in conversation even one i'm interested in also means being trapped until the other person has finished. I'm not as bad when I'm doing the talking as I am distracted from what I'm panicking about while I string a sensible sentence together, lol. But this can lead to me over dominating conversations sometimes, which is definitely not cos I like the sound of my own voice. I also try to hurry the other person up by encouring them to continue if they pause for too long and even worse, sometimes I butt in to shut them up. No the wonder I'm billy no mates!!!
So you are not alone it's just another one of those anx symptoms. And probably cos we also feel a bit vulnerable when in one to one chat that we feel a bit more anx than we would if were in a group as you aren't often noticed if you nip off for a bit or lean against a wall or something. I often find 1 to 1 a bit intense...there's little or no opportunity to escape without making a complete prat of yourself. Try not to focus on it...easy I know!!!!

06-05-08, 19:34
Hey Andie,

Youve hit the nail on the head - its being trapped! Im always looking for escape routes on walks, in meetings, anywhere..... I also do the same, hurry people along, try and invite someone esle in on the conversation so that I can slope off!

Thanks for that xx

06-05-08, 21:26
when i talk to people in a official sense. work or family related or any informal setting i feel like my face is going to start twitching and i might cry. my doctor gave me diazepan for a short while which helped me alot while it lasted. but ti did give me a very spaced out feeling.


06-05-08, 21:31
i get this especially if i've been sitting for a while and i also get a this feeling of one half of my body is'nt in co ordination with the other side its really weird do you get this. take care lin x

08-05-08, 09:31
Me too !"! I get like that when my boss starts talking to me at work and stands beside my desk - but worse when standing up!! I hate this feeling - I usually sip water to calm down! Wenjoy x

08-05-08, 10:05

General consensus then is that its all normal for us sufferers and nothing to panic about! Lets see if we can overcome it - we will have plenty of chances to practice!!

Thanks for all your helps guys
Sam xx

08-05-08, 11:36
I hate feeling like I'm swaying in a conversation! Like others here, I always look for a way out or say to the person I'm talking to something like "come over here to talk" and make an excuse for going to that place.

10-05-08, 04:47

Bet you find it difficult to concentrate and involve yourself in the conversation also? I know I do. I get so self concious that I hav'nt got a clue what the conversation is about. I start thinking how to escape. I find being aloof does not work as when I am off with people they stick to me like mud and end up wanting to get the next round just to keep the conversation going which fills me with fear as by this stage in the 121 conversation I am that self consious that the entire room is watching me waiting for me to make a fool of myself and I find I cant drink which makes me feel even worse as I seem ungrateful. When it then comes to my round the anxiety has tripled and I cant carry the drink(s) from the bar to the table so I make an excuse that I am ill and run.

How to make friends and influence people.
