View Full Version : Neck lump

05-05-08, 20:31
Hi, I have found a small lump on the side of my neck, near to where it meets my shoulder. It is about 3mm at most and is soft and moves around easily. I had no symptoms but my husband recently found a lump on his testicle (turned out to be a harmless cyst) and then my grandad was dignosed with cancer and for some reason that started me off checking for lumps all the time. Now I have found something I am really scared. My husband has banned me from feeling his neck as he is fed up with my poking and prodding. Any thoughts on what it might be? Thanks in advance

05-05-08, 21:07
hiya hun please dont worry this is very very unlikey to be a cancer lump. cancer lumps are fixed and dont move around and are hard and the lump its self would feel peppley. this sounds to me like a cyst and can be confirmed by you doc. pop along and see ur doc if this dont disappear as sometimes they need to be removed. my daughter at the moment is waiting for one to be sorted by the dental hospital as hers is just above her jaw bone. Are you a google person ? plz dont googe symptoms or lumps. as a heath anx sufferer myself i know how this can scare us silly.
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
take care


05-05-08, 21:09
hi there first of all please dont panic it is probably nothing but even if it is it probably would be a swollen gland or thyroids as this is so common i know loads of people who have had this. if you are worried please get it checked out and it will put your mind at rest. but dont google it otherwise you find all sorts of things and will make you worse, but please honestly dont worry xxx

05-05-08, 21:23
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately I have been googling and this hasn't helped, there are so many things that could be wrong I find it hard to believe that something isn't! I feel exhausted from constantly checking and wish I could just feel normal again.

05-05-08, 21:27
poor you i have done this before and made my self really panic and my hubby told me for goodness sake calm down, but honestly if its bothering you that much go docs and get it checked and i bet you will feel so much better, let me know how you get on but please keep telling yourself its not serious. when you keep prodding something it begins to hurt and you think its bigger than it is xxxxxxxxxx

05-05-08, 21:32
I am really sorry to hear how you are feeling.I have exactly the same thing(well a swelling on my neck above my right clavicle).
I am sure everyone on here knows about it as i was forever posting(thank you everyone that helped me!!!).
If you click on my name you can look at my posts---I hope the advice on there might reassure you.
I did go to my GP(hey ho i went to 3 GPs in fact!!!) and i had blood tests and a chest/neck X ray. I was sooo anxious.Everything came back fine but the swelling is still there although i do think it is not as big as it was!!!! Thank goodness!!
I still have days when i think the worst but not every waking moment of every day like it was when i first came on here.I have been referred for counselling as my GP realises i suffer with health anxiety.
I hope you can take some comfort in my posts-----and please do not google.It is the worst thing you can do as everything and i mean everything seems to come back as the dreaded C word.I also felt constantly exhausted checking myself. It did become an obsession.I am sure posting on here will help you feel loads better.
Take care xxxxxx

06-05-08, 16:22
I have got one of these jelly tupe lumps on my back, when I felt it I panicked and thought the worst and went to the docs, thankfully it was a day the skin consultant was there, he felt it and called it something which I cannot remember and said it was harmless and unless it grew and got in the way to leave it alone.
Hope this helps x