View Full Version : obsessed with health

05-05-08, 21:52
Hello Everyone,

Over the last 3 months i have developed an unhealthy obsession with cancer.(In particular a brain tumor)
I had an MRI Scan 2 months ago which was clear and i already want another one. I am sure they could have missed something or something has developed in that time but they will not do another one. I have never had a panic attack so how can i be suffering anxiety?
I have a 16mth old daughter, a good job, nice family there is nothing bad in my life so i dont know where this all started.
I am having terrible problems with my vision, feel like everything is blurry and covered in shade - this is 24/7. My hands and feet are always tingling, i feel nauseous mostly in mornings.
I have also noticed that my hair is falling out, not in clumps but if i touch it gently, i always have strands on my hands. To make it worse my friend has a brain tumor but my fear was there before she got it but now my every thought is about her. I have regular headaches and i am dizzy everyday.
Also, everytime i bend down i can feel all the blood rush to my face if i stay down too long i think it will pop. I would like to speak to anyone who shares these worries and whether people think this actually could be anxiety or whether i should be back at the doctors. i am interested in speaking personally via email to people if poss (i have problems tracking my threads!!)

05-05-08, 22:20
hiya hun, i think we all suffer health anxiety to a degree but sometimes if something happens to us or someone we know it can trigger it and make it worse and this is probably whats happend to you. i know its really hard but i know the mri scans are excellent and they would not miss anything so if it was clear then you are ok, but when you worry you will think you have things wrong which make you panic, just try to stay busy even if its reading or typing and if you start to panic just do something anything sing, hoover, phone a friend until you feel better. hugs xxx

05-05-08, 22:59
hello, i have been thro more or less the same exprance that you are going thro now, its what acutally set off my p/a i have always been a anxtion person, i have a ct scan and mri scan to find out whats wrong with me, mine all started thro an eye test at the options i wont go into to much detale on here but feel free to pm and if you have msn i would be more then happy to talk to you and tell you all about it.

hugs to you
Amanda. xx

06-05-08, 21:52
thank you both very much. This website gets me to sleep at night, knowing other people understand me. Its hard to confess to your family and friends that everyday you wake up you think have cancer of the somewhere! Yes i would love to chat on msn, that would be great

07-05-08, 02:19
This is nothing uncommon. My father was diagnosed with a very malignant, very advanced tumor in his brain last summer, and for a year I've been battling an insane level of health anxiety myself. I've turned a bit of a corner on it recently, but it's an everyday type of struggle.

Trust me - and I know that symptoms can be different for everyone - but in every case I have read about and, in particular, my father's, when you have a brain tumor, things are SERIOUSLY wrong. Not just mild symptoms.

I don't think you have anything to worry about:)