View Full Version : Not so good today...

06-05-08, 09:57
Had a mouth ulcer come on over the weekend. Naturally enough Mr Anxiety is shouting "mouth cancer" in my ear! Trouble is, I've got weird teeth anyway and a tendency to snag lips, inner cheeks and tongue quite easily resulting in regular sore spots in the same place. Anyone know if htis is likely to lead to long-term problems?

06-05-08, 18:55
have you ever thought about wearing a mouth guard in your sleep it might stop you catching things with your teeth if nothing else.

06-05-08, 21:27
Hi Mud Skipper... me too with the biting.. my dentist tells me my inner cheek is quite scarred from my uneven bite but i can't have anything done for it really cos it stems from jaw problems that i have had since dental surgery years and years ago..... i asked him the same thing about long term problems and higher risks and he said absolutely not... he said its not gonna do any long term harm but its not gonna be too comfortable sometimes and that i may get the occassional ulcer when i break the skin... don't worry about this, its a nuicence but i have been assured its not putting us at any higher risk of any nasties...
Hope that helps :)

07-05-08, 09:39
Thanks for both responses. Nice to know I'm not the only one with weird teeth! I've got a massive underbite which should have been corrected when I was younger, too late now I guess. Might ask my dentist about a mouth guard for the nights. I tend to grind my teeth sometimes which probably exacerbates the problem.

Thanks again.:)