View Full Version : bleeding again

miss diagnosis
06-05-08, 12:05

I posted a while ago about bleeding after sex
it happened again but the wierd thing is the blood dosent appear to be coming from inside me.its not a lot,just streaks when i wipe kind like piles but not.

any ideas cos i dont want to go back to my cervical cander worry again.

06-05-08, 13:38
Hey Miss,

I would reccomend either going to your GP/GUM clinic. I would doubt it is cervical cancer? When was your last smear.
I have had bleeding in the past after sex. Somtimes it can be rough (sorry if TMI) other times it can be an infection which is why its important to go the the GUM clinic/GP. I have had antibiotics in the past for this, and quite often they will just give you these as a precautionary.

Please don't worry!!


06-05-08, 15:32
go to your GP and mention it, it's embaressing and stuff but it will put your mind at rest about it.

do you have any pain like period pain associated with it?

miss diagnosis
06-05-08, 15:43
thanks for your reply. no no pain and it goes away straight away. blood is not like period blood or anything like that and there dosent be any on him (TMI sorry). as i said its kind like having piles type blood.when i wipe further inside the tissue is clean

Hope 2
07-05-08, 01:00
Hi Miss :D

Just a little input from me . I am aware of some harmless 'cervical erosions' women can have . Apparently these are more common in women who take the contraceptive Pill . These erosions get 'brushed' during intercourse and can bleed a little in the way you describe .

Like someone already said , you should get checked out . Maybe you could mention your problem to the nurse at yr doc's and she may suggest a quick examination / smear test .

Better to get peace of mind xx
Hope xx

07-05-08, 12:26
Hi Miss :D

Just a little input from me . I am aware of some harmless 'cervical erosions' women can have . Apparently these are more common in women who take the contraceptive Pill . These erosions get 'brushed' during intercourse and can bleed a little in the way you describe .

this is what I was going to say - it happens to me :blush: