View Full Version : Pain in the Bum!!

06-05-08, 16:14
I have suffered from IBS for years with constipation etc. But sometimes I get pains in my bottom when I have had constipation. I don't want to sound graphic but I don't always finish and then it makes me feel horrible all day, stomach pains and sharp pains down below.
Is this normal or has anybody else suffered with it. I have always been paranoid about bowel cancer and hadn't heard of anal cancer but of course now I have I am worried the pains are something worse?!
If it isn't my heart missing beats its my backside hurting!!

any help??

06-05-08, 17:05
hiya petmad, i hear and understand you hun, i myself dont go to the loo everyday and sometimes if i go several days without going i get pain in my lower tummy and shooting pains going up my bum. my doc said this is all down to ibs and to eat a better diet to help me go more regular. take a look at what ur eating and make sure you are drinking plenty of water, that will also help. eat plenty of fruit and veggies also orange juice is realy helpful. i hope this has put ur mind at rest a little.
best wishes
take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


ps are you googleing? i hope not as this will only scare you and ill have to get me big slipper out and give you a smack lol.

06-05-08, 17:29
Thanks for your help!! I have not googled and am being a good girl as I know reading up on it will frighten me to death and that will make me anxious that will then give me heart problems and so forth!!
I should drink more water and will try the good old Fybogel again!
take care x

06-05-08, 22:23
Hi Petmad

Im an IBS sufferer and i get the pains up the bum!

love mandie x