View Full Version : stress of loss

04-04-05, 16:19
hi all

although i feel im improving, i noticed during my counselling session today that i have a feeling of wanting to get up and pace, almost like i cant sit still, has been like it for last few days but definaltely not experienced it before during counselling, also i have these flashes of complete despair still which i really have to try hard not to panic me, even i feel better why do i still get them

also today i thought that my anxiety is def stress related busy mum of 3, then get scared of the symptons of stess and then in the cycle of panic, but my counsellor seems to want to link it to an unresolved loss of our baby 10 yrs afgo, surely not everything has to come from the past oterwise i dont feel i will ever get better, lot of baggage, gp did some blood tests was hoping for a simple answer like thyroid, but all normal,

anyway any thoghts as to how long symptons should last feel like its been going on too long this time 3mths so far

love Jane

04-04-05, 16:31
Sounds like you need to up your exercise routine to help with feeling restless and on edge.

I agree - don't think everything is from stuff in the past either.

Glad thyroid results are fine !

There is not a time window - as long as it needs to resolve.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-04-05, 16:41
thanks meg did notice my gym shoes were looking a little dusty lol

when i do go to exercise do have an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion in my arms and legs which made gp think thyroid is this ok?

or could it be to do with meds im on paroxetine and did have it as a withdrawal sympton last year

04-04-05, 16:50
Hi Jane,

We have spoken before, and we have had a similiar loss with our babies, and my counsellor is the same he thinks that is one of my 'triggers' but he also acknowledges my lifestyle, busy mum, running the family home and running my business, so he always says he isn't surprised when I 'start going on' about my symptoms, again. I have had five bereavements in my life, all close relatives and then Cory (our little baby) and then my husbands affair, and he does say that this is what causes everything, but he also goes back right to my childhood, when I think even then I was always anxious.

I don't know how long it will take for us to 'feel better' I think we just have to take one day at time. We all know what its like, we have a few good days then bad ones hit us again, and we feel like we're back to square one, but just try to think positive and if you want to talk PM me, I will always try to help.

Other bit of advise, is try relaxation...I bought a hypnotherapy CD last week and tried it last night(was scared, but still did it!!) and today I must admit I feel better,or is it just coincidence. I'll keep you informed, but it would be excellent if that was to work. He talks about positive stuff and apparently talks to your innermost subconscious mind!

Keep in touch and if you need me, I'm here.

04-04-05, 16:51
In light of thyroid being fine .. think you'd do well to go and do something regularly but not exhausting and build it up gently. Walking and swimming are particularly good.

Could be to do with meds for you.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-04-05, 17:01
Hi Jane, I to experience this need to be constantly active and not sit still - it is our nervous system wanting to expend energy. It is good to exercise and release the adrenalin that way but it is also important to be able to relax. Have you tried Yoga? I also don't think it's important to analyse why we are the way we are (unless drastic action is needed eg bad relationship etc) I feel CBT is a lot better than Counselling - how to deal with Now rather than the past.... maybe thats just me. Take Care - Love Dawn x