View Full Version : DRY MOUTH

06-05-08, 20:53
Help ive got a really dry mouth lately. I was taking 30mg citalopram but has been reduced to 20mg. Does anyone else get this. i think it is down to anxiety because when im doing something that distracts my mind i dont get it. Its really annoying though because its making me really aware of my tongue and i feel like i cant talk and sometimes i feel like i cant swallow. Does anyone else feel like this and if so how do you handle it?

06-05-08, 22:19
Hi Carstar

Dry mouth is side effect of citalopram,but i reduced mine few weeks ago and my mouth is drier since lowering the dose.

Im drinking loads of water so at least im getting my 8 glasses a day lol

love mandie x

06-05-08, 22:30
hiya carstar in so glad you reconise this as a symptom of ur anx and it could also be the reduction in ur meds. drink plenty of water as mandie has said and try not to worry. this will pass faster when you ignore it. my hubbie gets this a lot and he carries water everywhere now. hope ur ok soon
best wishes
take care


06-05-08, 23:15
dry mouth is prob the most common sympton of my anxiety - i am no longer on citalopram (have not been for 3 years) and even without the tablets i still have a dry mouth on a daily basis - whilst at work i make sure i always have a glass of water on my desk and i just sip away at it and this helps. If i am going in the car or shopping i always have a bottle of water with me with a sports cap - it really does help.

K xxx

09-09-19, 10:28
Hey are you still suffering from this dry mouth thing? I have had this for about 2 months now. Quite worried.
Im thinking its maybe anxiety related. Problem is i find it hard to speak as dry mouth and then tongue gets sore.