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View Full Version : The final straw..................

06-05-08, 21:32
Over the last 10 years I have had quite a traumatic time but I have been able to ride the storm due to my personality.

In Jan I was told that I had a meningioma, this too I was able to overcome mentally. Then a few other things came my way death of a 3 people I knew well, my daughter (who suffers from mental health problems) getting upset over something and me worrying about her plus a couple of things.

Then one day not so long ago my cat was off colour and had to go to the vets twice in one week it cost me over £300. I suddenly started to worrry about the cost and what if it continued and I used up all my savings. And that was the final straw.:scared15:

06-05-08, 21:45
Hi Trixie

I think anxiety tends to be triggered by people going through traumatic events in their lives. Either that or a build up of stress over a period of time.

How are things now? Is your cat better or are you still having to pay out fees?

Sometimes we need to take a step back from the situation and try and survey it from the outside rather than continuing to be consumed by it.

You sound like an incredibly strong person who has gone through some tough times but come out the other side. You should give yourself credit for that :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

06-05-08, 21:46
hi trixie well done for telling us your worries and upsets, dont panic you will get help here, you sound a very strong person and that helps and also staying positive is good, i always try too xx

07-05-08, 06:33
This is what I don't understand, the day they told me about the menigioma I went home, looked it up on the net told my friends and two children watched TV in the evening and then went to be at my normal time and slept solidly through the night.

And yet when this vet thing started I was waking up at 4.30 am in a real panic I just had to get up and was desperate for someone to tell me everything was going to be OK.

Then for the rest of the day I just wanted to cry and go back to bed. The other evening one of my cats was sick (something she has done before-hair ball) and I stood there watching her and I could feel my insides just draining out of me.

It is so odd how the mind works.

07-05-08, 15:41
Trixie, how is your cat now? If you can afford it then insuring pets is a good thing, but I know what you mean it's no good thinking in reterspect is it?
My life is like a bloody soap opera and I swear no-one would believe me if I told you things that happen to me. Odd diseases, strange things going on, dramatic incidents which would not be out of place in a film etc..
I work in the media / politics so I also work within famous circles which makes everything even more bonkers..
The latest stress I have had to deal with is a brother in law who it seems diddled my dying grandmother in law to leave all her estate to him and his uncle rather than to the family. The day after the funeral he announces he has a NEW Will leaving it all to him. The betrayal was appalling, the pain, I wont go on....
But I know what you mean... sometimes I long for no drama... yet it comes.. and once one problem is solved another one comes..... and then the stress...

07-05-08, 17:11
Took Ping to the vets his original problem was OK but now he seems to be thirsty a lot. He doesn't seem to be weeing any more than normal and his kidney tests were OK last week.

But now watching him drink I am started to get that anxious feeling again as if my insides are falling out. I am so depressed with this.:weep:

08-05-08, 06:37
Hi Trixie
How are you feeling today, i did read this post but was not sure how to answer it. I hope today you are feeling so much better.
Take care

08-05-08, 07:13
Hi Trixie
How are you feeling today, i did read this post but was not sure how to answer it. I hope today you are feeling so much better.
Take care

Touch wood at this moment not too bad but who knows what the day will bring.:ohmy:

I have got to overcome this thing it is not me and I don't like it at all.

08-05-08, 10:21
Hi Trixie

It sounds like a build up of one thing after another and while we can cope with one or two stressful situations, it just takes one more thing to push us over the edge and perhaps that is what is happening here.

Don't give yourself a hard time over it. Accept that you have had a lot to deal with and a lot of worry recently. Treat yourself kindly and ask for help if you need it.

How is your cat now? Is she recovering?

Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling a little better :hugs:

Karen xx

08-05-08, 17:52
Hi Trixie

It sounds like a build up of one thing after another and while we can cope with one or two stressful situations, it just takes one more thing to push us over the edge and perhaps that is what is happening here.

Don't give yourself a hard time over it. Accept that you have had a lot to deal with and a lot of worry recently. Treat yourself kindly and ask for help if you need it.

How is your cat now? Is she recovering?

Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling a little better :hugs:

Karen xx

I think you are right about the build up of things. The week my ex left suddenly and without warning my father died and so it went on and on. But being a cheerful soul got me through it but there is a limit to how much the mind can take.

Don't want to tempt fate by mentioning the puss.:unsure: