View Full Version : Feeling terrible this morning - need reassurance

07-05-08, 08:14
Hi All,

I am hoping you have a few ideas/advice for me.

Over the last 3 weeks a have been taking Cipralex in conjunction with diazepam whilst it kicked in. Over the last 5 days I have stopped taking Diazepam and the 'morning rush' has started again which is making me panic all the time. I have lost my apetite again and cant sleep at night again. Am feeling so anxious this morning and not going to see the doctor again until Friday.

Am worried that if I have the 'rush' everyday that I will waste away/not get enough good nutrients in me and if I dont sleep I will become exhausted etc etc and so the worying goes on.

Will it subside? Do I need more med? What do I do?

Am sat at home this morning, been up all night and am alone, worrying.

Need you guys today



milly jones
07-05-08, 10:10
hey blaise here as always mate,

slow down hun and just think of all uve achieved so so far. we all have up and down times, but share it together mate x

i have no appetite on bad days, but i am still here xxx

take time to explain this to ur gp on fri and im sure they will be able to reassure u regarding ur meds hun xx

take care blaise, pm later or chat hun,

love mill xx

07-05-08, 10:53
At my worst I did not eat hardly anything for weeks, what pulled me through in the end was complan strawberry milkshake it has every vitamin etc in it that your body needs and kicks your appetite back in. You will not waste away. Stay strong maybe you needs the meds for just a little longer or maybe you came off too fast, try phoning your gp surgery most gps do telephone consultations these days he/she will call you back and have a natter. Let us know how you get on just ring the surgery and ask if you can have a telephone consultation xxhugxx

07-05-08, 11:23
Like ive said before i lost 2 stone in 4/5 months due to anxiety and IM STILL HERE! Dont worry you wont waste away, the more little bits you can eat the more you'll be able to eat, i found yogurt a good one cos i didnt even need to chew xxxx

07-05-08, 11:42
p.s. Complan chicken soup is horrid don't waste money trying it, Heinz chicken soup is good though, complan also do a chocolate milkshake. xxhugxx

07-05-08, 14:27
yes, complan choc milkshake is actually quite yummy, so are mcdonalds chocolate milkshakes - its a time when calories just dont matter, in fact the more the better!!!!!

07-05-08, 15:04
:blush: sorry to make light of this, but i spent alot of my childhood drinling complan - was a very anxious child on reflection and would losre my appetite all the time, strange thing is only my dad worried:shrug: i may buy some of that for old times sake:wacko: i think its a great idea because like lindy said they are effectively food, i know not eating can make you feel anxious - low blood sugar and all that, but worrying about not eating only makes it all a big vicious circle, so by all means eat littel bits but dont worry about not eating. i spent most of last year like the others say forcing food down and not enjoying it at all:mad: now im back to normal(ish) and looking at all the chubby bits again:winks:

07-05-08, 23:16
Hi my fellow lion
I have had terrible times with my appetite but it always comes back, when I find it difficult to eat I live off bananas and yoghurts, please dont worry it will come back.
love Mags xxx

08-05-08, 02:22
Do you Enjoy your job?

If you don't because you simply don't like your job or you find it too boring or too stressful, the thought of going in will make you worry. The worry will increase your feelings of anxiety and the anxiety will cause you to panic frequently because the thought of your working environment is always ticking away in your subconscious.

Sometimes when we find ourselves ill as a result of our job, we shouldn't be looking for medications to help us cope with the job we hate but instead be looking for a job we Enjoy to help us obtain peace of mind!:hugs:

08-05-08, 06:10
It is really hard when you are scared of something, no mater how much people tell you it will be OK our minds say something different. A few years ago I had a panic attack in town I went into a cafe and had a cup of coffee to try and settle myself.

I know it sounds stupid but I wanted to phone for an ambulance and ask them to take me home again (I think I wanted their reassurance rather than the transport).

As I had to go into one of the supermarkets to get some shopping I tried to get angry with myself and I kept saying "Pull yourself together bitch (I don't normally swear) if you give in to it you'll never leave the house."

I kept saying that to myself over and over until I finished my coffee then I made myself go to the supermarket and I was fine.

But that was something within my control my anxiety now is caused by my cat and that is out of my control.

I am not going to say to you be brave or be strong because I know how hard it is (my daughter suffers from OCD, agoraphobia and social paranoia, anxiety and depression and she hasn't left the house in years). I'll just say I am thinking about you.



08-05-08, 07:21
Hi there

I know exactly how you feel. Had a week last week of panic and not eating, through my own fault though. Drank too much and it messed with me meds!! You are probably feeling extreme anxiety cause of the medication, just stopping them does make you feel like that. Can't you get to see your GP before Friday to get you back on track?