View Full Version : Feeling terrible this morning - need reassurance

07-05-08, 08:20
Hi All,

I am hoping you have a few ideas/advice for me.

Over the last 3 weeks a have been taking Cipralex in conjunction with diazepam whilst it kicked in. Over the last 5 days I have stopped taking Diazepam and the 'morning rush' (diarrhoea) has started again which is making me panic all the time. I have lost my apetite again and cant sleep at night again. Am feeling so anxious this morning and not going to see the doctor again until Friday.

Am worried that if I have the 'rush' everyday that I will waste away/not get enough good nutrients in me and if I dont sleep I will become exhausted etc etc and so the worying goes on.

Will it subside? Do I need more med? What do I do?

Am sat at home this morning, been up all night and am alone, worrying.

Need you guys today



07-05-08, 09:01
Hi Blaise..when you talk about a morning rush, do you mean your anxiety is high in the mornings?, if so i can totally relate to this. My anx is horrendous in the mornings, and i don't know why... i find that it makes mre really tired and i find it hard to get going, cos i just want to curl up and wait for it to pass but i find when i can muster the energy to do this, i do feel better .... I don't take the same meds as you but they are probably similar and although i have found them helpful, they certainly haven't cured me of my anxiety. Im not sure what the answer is to your meds question, i would take advice from your doctor on that but i know for me if i force myself into action in the mornings, the anx passes quicker. i don't know if it is posible for you to go for a short walk or something when you get up as this may help burn off the adrenalin that we produce when we are anxious.... its so hard coping with anxiety tho, i would love to be able to wake up without these horrible feelings again, like i used to..... i have beaten anxiety before and can remember when i didn't always feel this way but the longer this bout continues the harder it gets to remind myself that it isn't going to last forever.. It is horrible not being able to sleep, this has happened to me a lot recently but your body will eventually allow you to sleep when it needs to.. just rest when you can and allow yorself a little more time to overcome this, you are doing all the right things and will see results soon, im sure... hang in there....

07-05-08, 09:03
:) hi blaise, i would say from what i know that this is to do with the diazepam? it has helped to rid you of this horrible feeling and now you have stopped them it has come back?

i had this situation for months andmonths last year and to some extent i still do but getting alot better now. it is part of depression though, some ppl feel worse in the morning like i did and then feel almost 'normal' by afternoon and other are the opposite.

also anxiety can be very very high with depression that is normal too, it isnt always about being slow and unable to do anything, sometimes it can be about being so agitated as to be almost permanently anxious. this you would have to discuss with your doc as if you are on meds the desired result would be that you werent suffering - maybe they are wrong ones or maybe they havent had long enough to work or need the dose changing.

you wont die of this feeling and you wont die of loss of appetite! but you do need to try very hard to accept these feelings as part and parcel of wha tyou are experiencing and so therfore although nasty they are not life threatening and they will not last forever, however constantly worrying will add to your problems. if you dont improve make an appointment sooner with your doctor, take care emma:flowers:

07-05-08, 09:15
Emma & Rachel,

Thanks for this. Sometimes when you are alone at home, not able to talk to anyone its horrible. I have just been for a walk and this seems to have helped a bit, but you are right with all the things you have said.
Am at the docs on Friday and will try and relax/not worry about these feelings.
Its good to have you guys around xx

07-05-08, 10:25
Its not been that long to expect the anti-depresssents to kick in yet. I have had mine raised and it has just started to help alot. I also have been taking 2 x 2mg diazapam a day for about 8 weeks, my doc says this is a low dose and so is unlikely to cause problems coming off it. Personally i am using it as and when i need it and was definitely still using it when i was in the first few weeks of treatment like you. I would start using it again and then see your doctor and explain....... maybe not the advice you wanted to hear but its what i have done and i really feel i am just starting to feel a bit better after 5 months!!!! Keep logging on here, i know what its like when you are alone during the day its very hard, this site has given me so much support i cant thank people on here enough. Much Love and big calming hugs!!! xxxxxxx

07-05-08, 10:30
PS I still get the morning anxiety rush everyday and DREAD it! I take a diazepam 15 mins before i get out of bed, this takes the edge off it, and once you are up and about it does improve, but i know exactly how hard it is. I have lost 2 stone in 5 months due to being unable to eat properly because i have felt so sick with anxiety, but im still here!!!! and my appetite is returning, i found as long as i could eat little bits it would help as apparently hunger causes anxiety too. Yogurt, fruit and soup were the easiest things to manage, and of course keep drinking water and NO CAFFEINE!!!!