View Full Version : help for panickers

07-05-08, 12:05
Just thought id share something that my amazing counsellor taught me about and i find it really helps to understand panic attacks.

If you close your eyes and imagine you have a lemon in your hand. Bring it to your face and smell it and think about how juicy and sour it is, then imagine you are taking a big bite out of it. Wgat happens? (your mouth fills with saliva). This is your body prepring for the sour taste of the lemon even though it is imagined. Its the same with panic attcks, the fast heart, dry mouth, sweating dizziness etc etc etc is all your bodies way of prepring for the 'danger' even though its not real.

I hope ive explained this well enough, it really helps me when im panicing.

07-05-08, 14:18
I know exactly what you mean. I imagine walking on a dessert beach, and if you try hard enough (and for long enough), you can feel the sand between your toes, the sun on your back....etc etc... it's brilliant!!!
(although a little scary at how powerful the mind is!)