View Full Version : jelousy/irrational thoughts

07-05-08, 13:49
Hi i just wanted some views on how many of you suffer with jelousy or irrational thoughts. I find it extrememly difficult to hide what im feeling/thinking and tend to blurt it out, causing a lot of upset...I hate the thought of my bf looking at and admiring other females though i know is largely biological but i will confront him with it and constantly try to get him to reaffirm his feelings for me, or his desire for me i guess. It has ruined many a night out, or even day in the past as i just cannot keep it to myself or overlook it. I scan the area if im with him to find any 'threats' or attractive women/scantily dressed, and therefore am never relaxed. I know a lot is self esteem, not feeling good enough, but does anyone else suffer like this or is it just me?!! :unsure:

07-05-08, 13:59
hi there i do understand what you have said and in the past i had this but alot of it is to do with the person you are with too. if he is a cocky confident charmer, if you get my drift and is flirty by nature then its hard for anyone to turn a blind eye but if he is dedicated to you and only you then mayb you should look into why you feel like this and like myself i found its down to me feeling not good enough, pretty enough, clever enough and growing up i had no hugs or real affection in my relationship withj my parents and i was very needy because of this. i think if your man is dedicated to you, try have more faith and if girls look at him just think to yourself im lucky hes with me and also do things to make yourself more confident like i did, exercise, dancing and making the best of who you are , dressing nice looking good it all helps and in time you will feel better i did xxxxxx