View Full Version : Feel like I am going to die everytime I have a panic attack

07-05-08, 15:33
Hi there

I am hoping someone out there is able to advise me.

I have this awful fear that I am going to die everytime I get a symptom of anxiety. This then leads to feeling really dreadful for hours afterwards or a full blown panic attack.

I really dont know what to do. It all stems from stories that you hear or read about, about people that suddenly dont feel well then drop down dead or die suddenly. I can be feeling okay one minute, then wham and I feel absolutely awful - head feels funny with strange pains, heart starts racing, really dizzy etc. Then I panic and think that I am going to die. I then think about my children finding me or not being there to pick them up from school etc. Then this makes me feel even worse. I have also known of a few people through myself or friends of this happening - and it fills me with dread. I think about it all the time.

I really dont know what to do to overcome this fear.

I went to see my doctor and explained how I was feeling and he has referred me to the mental health team and for a ECG this Friday. It could take weeks or months to be able to talk to somebody.

Does anyone else ever feel like this or have any advice for me. I would be really grateful.

milly jones
07-05-08, 15:53
hey, ur in the right place ann,

i only get pas at night now but its the most scarey kind of illness. hopefully ur gp will get a quick assessmnet with the mental health team and ull at least be pointing in the right direction.

it may be a little wait for any further treatment depending where u live.

i have had cognitive behavioural therapy to aid anx and i find generally it works well. there are some websites that offer cbt eg 'livinglifetothefull.co.uk' which was the basis of my delivered sessions in booklet form.

i also have 1-1 counselling to get at the root of the problem.

there are alot of pros and cons to medication. my belief is that medication allows your body and brain time to be retrained so that negative thinking can be overcome, using cbt etc techniques.

the more anx u become the more worries u will find and it becomes a circle of increasing fear.

it is important to try and control ur breathing to slow the panic down. it is useful to have cold water to sip too. relaxation techniques help, esp when u can feel the anx at the very beginning before it starts to bubble.

my therapist explained that its important to face ur fear in little controlled steps and work thru the pa to let ur brain see that nothing terrible happens at the other side. she said it was like getting up a mountain, the anx rising all the time, and u have to keep going and over the top, to come down the other side. after plenty of experince the brain realises that nothing terrible does happen. however this is easier said than done, esp at 2am!

good luck in ur journey and i hope this has helped a little,

mill xx

07-05-08, 15:54
:) no i dont worry about dying, but i do worry about losing control. the two along with the fear of going mad are central to panic disorder and agoraphobia, and are what keeps the cycle in place. can you see that although you fear this happening due to wha tyouve heard or ppl youve known this happen to, that each time you worry about it happening it firstly brings on the initial symptoms which then make you believe that something terible is happening and that you have to brace for it, which adds more adrenaline and makes you feel even worse and worse often to the point of full panic? but heres the rub, you havent died have you? and if you do die unfortunately there is nothing anybody can do about it,a nd worrying about it happening certainly wont stop it from happening when the time comes. this is a habitual form of thinking that can be broken:yesyes:

07-05-08, 16:03
SNAP (kind of) i have always had the fear that something will happen to me, but that isnt my main fear, my main fear is that my children will be waiting for me and i wont be there to pick them up from school and how frightened they'll be. CBT is what changed my view on this, it made me look at the fear rationally, i had one to one counselling for this but i also found www.moodgym.com (http://www.moodgym.com) and www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com) really useful (free) CBT classes i could do online. It helps you change the way you think and grasp at the thoughts as you think them and then break them down until you realise a far more rational one, i would really encourage you to do this. This is a very common problem and we are all here to support you, let us know how you get on. Loads of calming hugs xxx

07-05-08, 17:39
I feel as if my insides are going to fall out sometimes, this is because of my oldest Siamese cat.

I love him to bits but all of a sudden I have become obsessed with his health and what if he should be taken ill and I cannot get him to the vets (I don't drive) and it costs a fortune to call them out. Or that he has an expensive illness that I cannot afford to treat.

I am on Cipralex 5mg (just over a week now) and I can see no change in myself. I have my two grown up children living with me (my daughter has mental health problems) and my son is studying physics so neither of them are in a position to take over in a crisis.

I am fed up with having to be responsible for everything (my ex left and has since died).:weep:

07-05-08, 18:19
Hi Ann, this site has some really good information on panic attacks and anxiety. If you click on panic attacks in the main menu column on the left of the page, the info will come up. It is really helpful. take Care.

07-05-08, 18:40
Hi Ann

I could of written your post, i feel exactly the same.

I am starting group cbt on friday so hope to get some help from it.

love mandie x

12-06-08, 11:52
Hi Your N The Only One I Feel Like Im Gonna Die Every Time I Panic Im Absolutly Terrified Of This I Wish There Ws An Easyanswer For Us Im Also Feeling Unmotivated At The Moment And The Feeling Of Not Wanting To Do Anything Is At An Al Time High Its Like I've Got One Part Of Me That Wants To Get Up And D Things But A Bigger Part Of Me That Doesant If That Makes Sense Hope This Lets You No Your Not Alone Lots Of Love Lin X