View Full Version : Rash in the sun yesterday-advice please

08-05-08, 10:24
Well after all my previous posts about my neck/glands etc i have definately felt more positive for a couple of weeks.
Yesterday, I was sat out in the sun(I am very fair skinned and i hadnt at that point put my sun cream on but was just going in to get it) when i came out in a rash on both my lower arms.
It wasnt itching and today it is still noticeable---just little tiny raised spots--which OH says is prickly heat.It is only there on my body and it is where i was exposed to the sun.I have a "thing" now about rashes due to worrying(see other posts) about lymphoma.
I am soooo sick of being like this---it seems anything out of the ordinary sends me in to a panic!!!
Can anyone advise me on this rash please?
On the other hand i feel fine in myself(apart from this blasted HA!!!!!!) and I have walked 14.7 miles in 5 days so i am getting fitter!!!!!

08-05-08, 10:35
hiya hun it deffo sounds like prickly heat to me so dont worry about it. go to the chemist and get some camoline lotion and apply that to it.
it will take the rash away. and next time remeber ur sun cream lol. not all mild forms of priclky heat has to itch its only if you get a bad case of it .
take care


08-05-08, 11:43
Hi Jellybean,

If you'd said the rash was itchy I could have told you what it was! Every year my first exposure to sunshine brings me out in a very itchy rash but only on the exposed bits of skin. It's called polymorphic light eruption and although annoying is totally harmless!

However you say your rash doesn't itch, so as Kellie sais it's probably just a heat rash, nothing more sinister. :yesyes:

Drink plenty of water, keep cool if you can and as Kellie said calamine lotion is great for heat rash. I keep it in the fridge so it's lovely and cool when I apply it! :D

Best wishes,

Anna. x

miss diagnosis
08-05-08, 17:53
hi ya

i only have to look at the sun and im burnt as i also have very pale skin
u defo have prickily heat. i get this too. its horrible and vert irritatiing but nothing to worry about. sudo cream will help or else take an anti histamine like piriton. but dont worry about it! very very commonn.

08-05-08, 19:41
If we were to tap into the rational side of ourselves at times like this life would be much easier, wouldn't it?

I would definitely say the rash is due to the heat/sun. If you take a step back when faced w/something like this try and retrace your steps. Such as you being out in the sun and then a rash appears...which we all would be inclined to say is due to the sun. I know easier said than done, but maybe it would work. Good luck!