View Full Version : Just wanted to share....

08-05-08, 12:25
Just wanted to share something i was taught by my EFT therapist, some of you might know this already anyway.... Theres a good pressure point on your thumb nail that you can use to stop panic in its tracks, it definitely helps me when i start to feel anxious, and of course gets you concentrating on something else.
Use the end of your right thumb nail and press firmly in the middle of your left thumb nail while using your left index finger to support the back of your left thumb, do this for about 30 secs, then reverse and do it to the right thumb nail.
This is an acupuncture point and does work! TRY IT!!!! :smile:
PS: Remember to drop your shoulders while your doing it, and dont press so hard you get all tensed up, just nice and firm :flowers:

08-05-08, 13:20
Thanks Charlie Lol Was Just Trying It I Wasnt Panicking But Good To Know ....ty For Sharing ...wish Ya Well.......linda Xx

milly jones
08-05-08, 13:56
cheers charlie,
will try that next time hun
wish i had nails though, lol

mill xxx

08-05-08, 14:47
LOL, hope you got it, its really hard to explain without the use of a flip chart, pointing stick and permanent marker!!!!

08-05-08, 14:50
There is evidence to suggest this is usually why children (and some adults) suck their thumbs and not other fingers, as it is a calming pressure point! :read: