View Full Version : Anxiety again and panic attacks

08-05-08, 12:58
I've started to get really anxious again. The last few nights I've struggled to get to sleep and suffered a few panic attacks. I felt frozen for a few seconds when the panic was starting then my heart started going fast so I keep checking my chest if i am ok.

I feel overloaded with symptoms feel sick, was a bit moody the other day, been getting annoyed easy and going on at people and keep getting thoughts. Even with jobs i am not sure what to do and keep changing my mind one min i am ok and next I am not.

I know it's anxiety but every time a symptom has not been around in a while It scares me :ohmy:

I tell myself the thoughts are anxiety then I end up thinking, it might not be anxiety and end up going through every thing I have done in my life to compare it.. :scared15: I feel it's obsessive the worrying.

Does anybody else feel like this?

milly jones
09-05-08, 12:20
yes hun, i suffer from what i call ocd of the mind. worrying over and over about anything and everything. what people think, what i have said, have i dont anything wrong.

I currently am on citalopram to try and reduce the anx attacks and increase my sleep. At present im on 30mg and im very tired and have slowed down considerably. i feel not safe to drive and am currently off sick. my gp says that this will settle once i have adjusted to the dose.

i have done cbt etc but i dont find it helps at night, altho i usually have it well controlled during the day.

U dont mention meds/therapy. It would be worth a trip to the gp to discuss ur feelings.

there will be loads of people who feel the same hun, and will offer support to u here at nmp

best wishes

Milly x

09-05-08, 13:15
Hi Phil
Sorry to hear that you are feeling like this at the moment. Its awful isnt it and I can relate to how you feel. Hugs to you. The past 2 days I have felt like you described. I am just trying to do everything possible to make myself feel differently and keeping myself occupied. I know that anxiety does make you less decisive about things and what you want to do. I hope your day gets better as it goes on.

09-05-08, 16:48
yes hun, i suffer from what i call ocd of the mind. worrying over and over about anything and everything. what people think, what i have said, have i dont anything wrong.

I currently am on citalopram to try and reduce the anx attacks and increase my sleep. At present im on 30mg and im very tired and have slowed down considerably. i feel not safe to drive and am currently off sick. my gp says that this will settle once i have adjusted to the dose.

i have done cbt etc but i dont find it helps at night, altho i usually have it well controlled during the day.

U dont mention meds/therapy. It would be worth a trip to the gp to discuss ur feelings.

there will be loads of people who feel the same hun, and will offer support to u here at nmp

best wishes

Milly x

Thanks for the reply. Yeh I've been on meds before to help with symptoms but I came off all them and I'm fine now as I don't get too many physical symptoms. I went to theropy about a year ago and it helped got a few information sheets and read books, did breathing exercises, came on here and tried relaxation CD's. They say I just suffer mild anxiety now which is true I as im able to go out now and I'm ok.

I just seem to obessively worry worries from last year come back and they spin round my head and just can't get rid of them and reassurance doesn't help much i feel i need to worry about it and wonder if I am changing because of these anxiety thoughts.

Can anybody tell me what's best to relax obessively worrying I just can't stop it not sure what to do. I'm worse when I am sitting around doing nothing but the thoughts scare me and some not that nice. :blush:

11-05-08, 14:14
Hey there...
I read what you wrote...

It made me wonder... If there were no anxiety symptoms at the moment, ad if you would feel fine... Is there anything in the present that you wouldnt like to do or think about? Something that you would avoid in another way if not having anxiety symptoms..
I think you should do a research, what is scarry in present real world, not your inner world where anxiety and panic are the scaryiest thing, and when you found that thing attack it! Deal with it! Be brave! You can do it!
If you survived with panick attacks and anxiety symptoms, there is not much scaryiest things there, is it? :)
When you deal wit the real situation that scares you, your simptoms should magicly disapear... Trust me :)

Anxiaty is acctually a habit, and like a defence mechanisme... Its there to put a spotlight to itself and put the shadow on the reall problem...
Trust me on this...

Try to work on yourself, and trust yourself more... The stronger beliefe in yourself you have, the smaller chances are for you to panic or become anxious...

Good luck! :)

11-05-08, 15:12
It made me wonder... If there were no anxiety symptoms at the moment, ad if you would feel fine... Is there anything in the present that you wouldnt like to do or think about? Something that you would avoid in another way if not having anxiety symptoms..

I don't think so they just seem to be fears and worries the stuff I worry about now i never use to worry about until i got really anxious.

12-05-08, 07:01
Well, anyway listen to me about this... Worres about anything that might hapen in future, even in the really near future, are complete a waste of time. If remember any other ties in your past that you were spending time in worries, can you ask your self, had even one minute of worring changed any of the future?
All worires are actuall y a state of block in the present. When you got yourself to feel like this, just stop. Concentrate to something there infront of you and snap out of worries. And if the worries persist, just tell yoursef:
What ever happens in the future, but I mean whatever happens, thats me, and I will deal with it. And besides, I am the one in control, so I wont let myself do anything that might be bad for me. I have confidence in myself and I am in control.
Thats all you ahve to do... Well that, and start believeing in that what your saying... And then, when you get more self-asteem, you will trust yourself more, and will not need advices like this, you will know what is really wrong, you will deal with it instead of producing anxiety, and waste time dealing with all the symptoms it brings...

You will be fine, trust me... And trust yourself that you will be fine...
Come on, I dont even know you and I believe in you that you can get out this state, you know yourself beter than I know you, you should have more faith than me, right?

Ewerything will be OK :)

So, come on, had up and smile... And go do something hat makes you happy... Try to enjoy in something, dont waste time on that stupid anxiety...
Take your life into your own hands... You will see, its the freedom and the good feeling that cant be described by words!
