View Full Version : Could any HA sufferers do this?

08-05-08, 13:17
I was just looking through a leaflet that came through my door last night----day trips by coach.
I would LOVE to go on one to Blackpool---just for the fun of the day out BUT how can I when my biggest fear when out and not in the car with OH or friend is that I may have a migraine(flashy light one) and not be able to get home when I WANT TO!!!!!
Does anyone have the same worries/fears?
I would love to go on some of those trips and hey they are sooo much cheaper than putting petrol in the car and no parking to worry about.But the thought of been dropped of at a certain time and not been able to get home til a certain time freaks me out!!!!!
Maybe when i have had my CBT I may be able to think differently---I hope so!!!!.xx

08-05-08, 13:37
Hi Jelly hun

I can totaly understand where you are coming from here :wacko:

I think the fact that you are actualy considering this means you are going in the right direction. Maybe a little boost of CBT and you'll be sitting on that bus singing "summer holiday" with the rest of them :whistles:

Best of luck mate
Love Lisa

Stefan P
09-05-08, 12:12
I know how you feel, I can't even contemplate getting on a bus/coach/train (never mind a plane!) .. even had to dip out of a trip to London with the family because they were going on a coach. I'm hoping one day the fear will go away, and I hope it does for you too :)

10-05-08, 22:15
I so relate to you jelly cos I think about loads of places i would like to go especially summer is coming. But I too am scared to go cos of HA and PA but I really hope I push myself to go there one day. If theres a good day, a good start, grab it by the horns and try it out. You could start by going a little way and then a bit further. Hope your cbt helps you and you can enjoy a little break. Take care. janni

13-05-08, 02:42
hi there

Im exactly the same, i live in busy London and do drive all over, but some days if im driving more than a few miles i always like one of my pals with me that knows how to drive!!! just in case feel faint etc....thank god im always ok but i still tjink this way all the time.

Now on a more positive note in february this year i flew to the middle east and went on a cruise, and ive booked another for 6 weeks time.
We can feel the fear....but we must do it anyway..lifes just to short to lose out on wonderful events.

Darling you book that coach trip, take mints and water with you for the journey, sit up close to the driver and print out some helpful pages from this site to read to help you stay calm.

Whats the worst that could happen???? panic doesnt kill us...it bullies us.
And bullies should never win.

keep me posted...i do hope you can go and show blackpool what you sre made of!!!!!!

good luck babes
tracie xx

13-05-08, 06:10
I know how you feel, I can't even contemplate getting on a bus/coach/train (never mind a plane!) .. even had to dip out of a trip to London with the family because they were going on a coach. I'm hoping one day the fear will go away, and I hope it does for you too :)

Do you have a coach/bus phobia?

It is very odd I can travel on any other mode of transport, I have flown to Canada, been on a ten night cruise, been on the train as far as Scotland, been in the car as far up as Stoke but the bus/coach:scared15:

Even just thinking about the coach/bus makes me want to throw up. It cannot be motion sickness as it is the only type of transport that makes me feel yukky. The thing is I don't drive and sometimes I would like to get on the bus and go to our local big town but I can't. It is 12 miles away and I know I would feel ill. And yet if I am with some one I feel OK.

I put it down to the bus trips our village use to go on when I was in school, they were a nightmare ramshackle buses, kids vomiting all the time and in the winter, steamy windows and the smell of damp from passengers wet coats.:ohmy:

13-05-08, 12:11
Thanks for the replies.
No it isnt the transport---it is the worry that i got one of my migraines(which to be fair i only have NOW about one every six months!!!).If i get one i get the flashy lights first---and then i get the blurry vision for about half an hour. When that goes i have the headache and stuff. It is the fear that i get one whilst away and cant get home.Does that make sense?I dont drive but OH does and we do go all over but i just would like to be able to do something different.
Thanks for the replies xxxx