View Full Version : Sunshine!

08-05-08, 18:31
How is everyone enjoying this glorious sunshine?! :yesyes:

I'm sitting in my living room with my laptop, the front door to my flat is open (the front door leads into my living room) and a lovely breeze is coming through.

Its so nice not to have to put a coat on when I go out, and not to stick the heating on full pelt in the evenings! Lets hope it continues :shades:

Jo xxxxx

08-05-08, 18:35
hi jo i am loving the sunshine today my backdoor is open too, and im at the table with my laptop, hope you having good day xxxxxxxxxxxx

08-05-08, 19:30

Its lovely up here too for a change. I must be a bit better this summer as I am happier being out in the sun. I even washed the windows today in the heat!!!! So I have probably made it rain tomorrow now!!!

Its great to be able to enjoy this glorious time of year.

Love Hazel xoxoxo:byebye:

08-05-08, 20:38
BBC says its gonna be sunny for thenext 5 days :shades: .

08-05-08, 21:24
Loving the good weather,done my back up and all,so have been living out there.Will everyone say a prayer to mother nature that the weather will keep up til saturday week as its my sons communion and we having a house party with a bouncy castle.:D


09-05-08, 09:40
:shades: :yesyes: hiya jo, yeah me too - im loving the nice weather!!!! couple of negatives tho - i need to shave my legs, but wont make the time:wacko: i am really hot and sweaty and swollen as have pms:lac:

but on the plus side i can cut the grass every few days and i dont have to dodge the rain to do it, i can walk the dogs whenever i want and not bring them back dirty, i can put washing out and bring it in bone dry, i can do stuff right up until it goes dark:yesyes: and i can make my garden look all pretty and colourful with plants, so yes on balance the good weather is grand:yesyes: :hugs:

Hope 2
09-05-08, 11:19
Hi Jo :D

Yeah it's bloomin marvellous innit eh :yesyes:

I have only lived in my house about a year and omg I Love it here especially in this weather . It is really peaceful round here and the garden has gorgeous views as we live on a hill . Okay we have to live off jam and bread (not quite lol) but it's SO worth it . I too am on the old laptop in the dining room next to a huge window feeling like jumping up an skipping thru a field of daisies :flowers: ....... just need to dig out me oxygen mask and boob scaffolding first tho :blush: .

Cheerio all on this oh so gloriously splendid of days ....... yipeee
Hope xx