View Full Version : spot on vagina (women only)

09-05-08, 05:26
hi there, this is kinda embarrassing but anyway i have found this spot/pimple thing on my vagina and i'm so worried about it and that it may be cancerous. anything to worry about? please reply ASAP, i'm very worried.
Luv Louise

09-05-08, 05:49
I wouldn't be too concerned hun. I tend not to worry about things that are on the outside of my body. It could be a boil/ingrown hair which has caused the bump. Try not to worry too much, and keep an eye on it.

I would bet that it goes away soon. Try soaking in a bath, and see if that helps. Big :hugs: to you.

09-05-08, 05:52
okay thanks, i'm still slightly worried though coz its kinda inside vagina, it's not really on the top of it. could it still just be a spot?
please reply

09-05-08, 05:59
Are you sure it's not your cervix? Seriously, we can feel our cervix....I know it sounds weird, but it's true.

Where is it? Does it hurt? Do you have any other symptoms?

09-05-08, 06:01
i can't really describe where it is, it's just under flappy bit of vagina, it's fairly small, doesn't hurt and not itchy or anything.

09-05-08, 06:04
Not sure where exactly it is. If you are sexually active maybe it got irritated. Try not to worry...if you are really concerned you can always go get it checked out. That will definitely put you more at ease.

09-05-08, 10:02
hiya hun dont worry about this spot being cancer its very very doubtful. you need to remember that the vagina is a warm moist area and will get a few spots /pimples from time to time. why dont you get a hand mirror and have a look at it to see if it has a head on it like spots do. even if it dont thats fine. stick to cotten knickers and loose fitting trousers untill this has gone. if it gets larger or more appear just pop to ur docs for some thrush cream as it may also be the start of that.
take care.


09-05-08, 10:10
I had a very similiar thing recently, i worried my self sick for a couple of weeks until i decided enough was enough and went to the doctors. It took her 2 seconds to say its just a harmless skin tag that you can get anywhere on the body, she knows i suffer from health anxiety so she assured me it was totally harmless and would never turn into anything sinister and it was just one of things that you get more of as you get older.
I am so glad i went now as its one less thing to worry about until the next thing comes along.
Take care

09-05-08, 10:12
I would go to the doctors and have it checked out if it doesn't go.


09-05-08, 10:18
I bet its eithe ran ingrown hair or a harmless cyst - i recently had a varicose vein in there when i was pregnant -

09-05-08, 10:19
Sounds like it would be nothing to worry about as we all have odd little bits and bosbs in our girly bits (:blush:) but for your own peace of mind, having it checked by your doc might help?


09-05-08, 18:33
thanks for all the words of wisdom. it's deffo made me feel a bit more reassured thats its mopst likely just a spot. considering i am only 21 and not sexually active. i'm obv very concered still it may be cancer but thats anxiety for you. the thing worrying me most is the fact that the spot/bump thing is sort of in my vagina, not actually right inside me but quite far down. but could it still just be a spot that will go away in time?
Please reply
Luv louise

miss diagnosis
09-05-08, 19:25
i wouldnt worry in the slightest.ive often noticed the odd bump in there!
can be caused by anything at all.ive said this so many times on here but put tea tree oil in ur bath. it works wonders for all things vaginal!

10-05-08, 08:13
Hi Louise

I've had spots like that a couple of times, I went to the doctors and he said it was called a Bartolins Cyst, it was harmless (its just a blocked skin duct) and they usually go on their own, he only said to go back if it got a lot bigger which they never did.


10-05-08, 10:23
I agree with the above. I watched Embarrasing Illnesses on Channel 4 last week and if you go onto the website it shows you haw to check your vulva/vaginal area for anything abnormal. ???? The web address but its on channel4.com and the prog was embarrasing illnesses.
Did you know that your cervix feels exactly like the tip of your nose. We were told this as student Midwives. I didn't believe it until I felt mine and it does. Useless piece of info there.!!!!!
Take Care Hazelxoxoxoxo:hugs:

10-05-08, 20:14

If it is just inside your vagina it could also be where your hymen has broken (your hymen can break even if you are a virgin). When the hymen breaks it can leave behind little bumps and uneven bits of skin.

Hope this helps. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

23-05-08, 06:25
see I think I am a weird hypochondriac...like I found a pimple like bump around my vagina a while ago too and I freaked automatically that it was herpes or some sort of an std ( it didn't hurt or anything and it didn't look gross) only reason why I found it was because I constantly have a mirror looking for abnoramal things with my vagina...my tiny bump went away soon after...so, I haven't heard of anyone else out there yet who have fears as big as mine about Herpes or any std's..see the thing is I can reasure u that u are fine...it could be an in grown hair if u shave or a pimple so simple...but who am I to talk ya know? all I can do is relate to u that I freak out badly too! we could lean on each other well :) stay strong hun

25-11-08, 17:54
GemmaAnn it sounds like a touch of thrush especially if you have been taking amoxycillin. It is notorious for causing it. If you are not allergic to it you could use some canesten cream. There is also a single dose tablet which will take care of the thrush. Go and have a chat with your pharmacist. Best wishes.

25-11-08, 18:39
its normal to get pimples everwhere but I do think everyone should go get tested for everything once a year, pelvic exams, smear tests, std's, well if your sexually active if not still get your smear test done!
msybe I'm over paranoid but I'd rather be safe

25-11-08, 19:58

I get a lot of cysts in that area, which are nothing to worry about. Cancer of the Vagina is very rare and it occurs in older women. If you have had children, that can leave you scared aswell.

I would try not to worry, but maybe see your doctor, incase you cant clear the worry and she will check for you

25-11-08, 22:42
Thanks guys, im going to phone the doctor when they open tomorrow and try to get an emergency appointment before I go on holiday.
Still very painfull, and some other strange sensations. This is probably because Im thinking about it a lot - I wonder how much of this is anxiety related?

26-11-08, 12:51
hey there, had same thing myself a few years ago. I worried myself sick over it, convinced I'd got something awful. Plucked up courage to go to see practice nurse, who took one look and said it was a boil!! some antibiotics and a few days later it was gone.
I know how hard it is but please don't worry
lv loads xxxxx

26-11-08, 15:09
maybe this helps: I had one a few years ago, just a sort of bump/sore that was a bit itchy. Went away after awhile so it must have been nothing. Don't worry.