View Full Version : Today I have.....Friday

09-05-08, 07:52
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

09-05-08, 07:53
“No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.


09-05-08, 13:00
Today I have tackled a big pile of ironing that I've been putting off all week :yesyes:

09-05-08, 13:37
Well done Caz :hugs: xxhugxx

09-05-08, 19:53
Today I have........ gone to watch Jake play Kwik Cricket for the school team.:yesyes:

Well done Caz as I hate ironing and only do it if I really have to!!!!!

09-05-08, 19:54
Well done Hazel was it a good game? :whistles: xxhugxx

09-05-08, 19:54
Today I managed to have a coffee in the local cafe..a big step for me.

09-05-08, 19:56
Cricket looked good but I don't know how to score it. Jake seemed happy as the team they were playing are really good. They didn't get beaten by too much!!! They all behaved very well and we were all proud of them.. Jake has been a nightmare this week but a bit better today!!!!:yesyes: