View Full Version : Not good today - its my own fault

09-05-08, 10:22
I went to my friends last night for a bit, and had a little to much wine. Which is not good for me.
Now I feel totally rubbish and really anxious. I also had a bit of a to do with a friend its a bit of a complicated situation. But its got me down a bit to be honest. :weep: I feel really insecure as well.

To top it all I have to drive to Reading today and do a presentation at a Hospital, and I don't feel like it. I just want to go home and go to sleep.

I don't mind if I don't get replies, just posting to get it out.


milly jones
09-05-08, 10:32
Hey em,

mill here, its ok hun.

U went out, and so what if u had too much wine. we are all entitled to a real life.

Your friend wil understand hun, honest.

And as to work, well ur health is more important, although u always appear a confident and capable person when we chat about it. Im sure your professionalism will carry u thru. And if it doesnt, its only a job and 1 day in your life.

Take heart mate, u have loads of friends and support on here,

Love u loads


09-05-08, 10:55
Hey Milly

Thanks hun....

Its not a to do she knows about, i found out some stuff that she has said behind my back. I was meant to see her tomorrow night, but she fobbed me off, and I have discovered that she is off out with some old mate of ours who is a bit of a nightmare.
God that sounds childish what I have written!

I am going to keep a low profile, I ain't going to say anything as I don't want the confrontation, I don't need it. So just chill with me other half and the kids. Trying to be positive.
What with the slight hangover/anxiety I feel a bit rubbishy.

I just can't face the drive, can't face talking to doctors, I want to cry, I sound like a right drama queen!

Thanks Milly for replying - your a star


09-05-08, 16:05
hope you feeling better and have a relaxing weekend , you deserve it xx

09-05-08, 16:25
hi ya have a nice weekend with hubby and kids and dont worry about gossip hun, i have had some of that and these days my huby and kids come first i prefer a quiet life haha, wine dont help i get like that if i have to much the next day, but get this presentation over with and im sure you will feel better then just relax hun xxxxxxxx

09-05-08, 18:46
Hi Emira

Just wanted to leave you a wee hug and hope your feeling better this evening :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxx

09-05-08, 22:20
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you Emira

love Mags xxxxxxxx