View Full Version : Newbie

05-04-05, 06:35
Hi! Everyone,
I am new to this site and just in the last week I started to get panic attacks again. I hadn't had a panic attack for about 9 years and one day had one in class. I recently went back to college two times a week plus work full time as a paraprofessional. I have been trying to study for my last test for my certificate from the state "HIGHLY" Qualified I don't know if its the pressure that I am under or having to deal with a son in college (junior) who also started to get panic attacks. Tonight was the worst, how do I get myself to deal with the new changes in my life? I am doing good academically in my college classes but feel that the test that I need to do for the state is driving me crazy:( I can't deal with the pressure,,,,I hate getting the panic attacks I need some help on how to deal with the new pressure in my life....



05-04-05, 06:48
Hi Elayne

Welcome to the forum. It is good that you managed to stay panic free for nine years. Having done this once I feel sure you will be able to so again. The increased stress and pressure that you are currently experiencing could be contributing to the return of the panic attacks and it might help to go back to basics in the treatment of these again.

You'll get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-04-05, 08:06
Hi Elayne
Welcome to the site. As Karen said you've done really well dealing with this for nine years. Obviously the pressure of exams has made you have a "blip", but you know you can get thru as you did before. You couldn't meet a nicer bunch of people than on here and you'll receive plenty of help and support.
Take care

05-04-05, 09:05
Hi Elayne,

Welcome to the forum.

You sound as though you are under immense stress with these exams.
This obviously is what is causing the return of the PAs.
Keep reminding yourself that they are only a symptom of anxiety. They wont harm you.
You will find lots of help and support here, from people who are experiencing exactly the same as you are.
Take care
Jude x

05-04-05, 11:06
hello Elayne,

Welcome aboard!! I'm sure that you will get loads of help and support here.

Sarah :D

05-04-05, 12:04
Hi there Elayne,

Welcome to the site.
It's a good site to join. Glad I have.
They give support...kind words....and advise.

Take care

with good wishes


05-04-05, 13:27
Hi Elayne,

Well done for going back to college and geting on with studies.

The PA this time as you so rightly summised is probably as a result of overload of thsi and your son.

The way through it, is to break things up into manageable chunks .

You're clearly good at the course work so the reality is that the exam will not be as dreadful as you're imagining.

Don't think of the bigger picture but of the next 3 tasks you've got to do.
Still continue to plan but do not allow yourself to get carried away with every permutable 'what if' for every scenario. Focus on what is real and present here and now and wait to decide the future when it comes into the present vision.

For your actual exams you may want to try rescue remedy - I'll attach some info .

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

RR: Rescue Remedy - Help needed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2298)
More RR : Rescue Remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1501)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-04-05, 15:13
hi elyane
welcome to the site ..iam sure it as as you say it is only the pressure of your test...try to REMEMBER the coping stragies that you used last time and reinforce them now.

take care[OK]

05-04-05, 19:59
hi Elayne,

sorry to hear you have not been to good, you are under a lot off stress at the moment by the sound of it, maybe a relaxation tape would be good for you just to help u unwind a bit,

You got throught it once so you know you can do it again, you will get loads of help on this site, they are agreat bunch of people who are all in the same boat and every one just wants to help each other.

Try and put these neg, feelings to the back of your mind and focus on how well you are doing,

Ihope you feel better soon take carexx

kairen x

05-04-05, 20:02
Hey Elayne,

Welcome to the site, you will get lots of support and advice here. I know i have!

tracy x x

05-04-05, 21:24
Hiya Elayne

Welcome to the site:D

Take care
Maxine x

06-04-05, 18:32
Hi Elayne

Welcome to the forum. Hope we can be of some help to you!


06-04-05, 22:19
Hi Elayne

Hope we can help you through this. You have come to a great site where people care and i hope we can help you and by reading posts you can see that there is hope.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-04-05, 22:21
Hey there Elayne

Welcome to the best place for support and caring when going through PA's. Having not had them for 9 yrs is fab so you know that you can get through them again. The guys here are wonderful and will help all they can. We have all been there are still there and know how you feel totally. Like Meg says rescue remedy is great and some other homeopathic remedies are great to have with you when you feel panicky. Try your breathing exercises that you may have done before.And try not too worry too much. Well done for going back to college. No wonder they have returned with all the stress. But give yourself a huge pat on the back and a hug for doing so well.

Take care
