View Full Version : Bad Afternoon

09-05-08, 16:02
Sorry to post again but am having a very bad afternoon, as I'm sitting here in a panic about my mouth, despite the rational side of my brain reminding me the dentist and my GP said all looked ok. Can't get the thought out of my head that they're wrong, they've mis-diagnosed etc etc and managed to find a website (I know I know I shouldn't) where "persistent pain or discomfort" is a sympton.
Am sitting here trying very hard not to cry........am I being stupid or should I insist on seeing my GP or dentist again?

09-05-08, 16:17
hi there i think if dentist and doc seen you and said its fine then you should take there work on it hun and dont google its the worst thing to do, keep busy doing anything as if you got to much time on your hands yr mind will go into overdrive and u will think allsorts, exercise is good i brisk walk ever yday its stopped my depression and halfed my anxietys, dont worry you are fine xx

09-05-08, 17:23
Thanks Donna - have just decided to go for a swim after work and will try and keep busy this w/e

thank again for your hellp

09-05-08, 19:57
a swim sounds great in this lovely weather keep busy and keep smiling you will be fine xxxx

11-05-08, 00:36
Hi Ellida.
I had a big mouth cancer scare a few months ago, because I had a white spot and a cut on my tongue. I googled it and from somewhere up popped mouth cancer. For months I got myself into a panic about it and it drove me mad. I went to see a dentist, and she referred me to a specialist mouth unit at a hospital, because she didn't know what it was. So I got even more panicked. When I got there I was going crazy, I saw a sign about what the unit dealt with. "Mouth Cancer diagnosis and treatment." Of course I didn't focus in on the "Infections" and "general mouth queries". I sat down in the seat, the Nurse looked at it, and all around my mouth. I was ready to hear her say "Mouth cancer". She said "Oh it's just a small infection."
I was thinking, what?! I said I thought it was mouth cancer. "Oh darling! Of course not. Why did you think that?"
She gave me antibiotics, but it didn't clear up. I went back again and she reassured me it's nothing sinister and nothing to worry about.
I catch myself thinking about it still and worrying, right now I have a tiny red patch in my cheek (literally tiny, like the size of a few grains of salt) and I panicked.
I just have to keep reassuring myself I've been told I don't have mouth cancer. These people have been trained to look out for it, and I dont have it.
The same goes for you darling :)
Trust me, you don't have it. It's been seen, twice. If they thought it was at all suspicious they would have noticed and said, it's their job, they know what their doing. Your fine, and you need to keep telling yourself that.
Best wishes,


27-06-08, 17:13
Hi - am still worrying about my mouth thing. :weep:The sore patch flared up again and I can't seem to make it go away and stay away. My dentist has told me he can't see anything to worry about and even took an x-ray at my last visit (at least I didn't burst into tears this time like I did the first time I asked him about it). So two visits to the dentist, couple of times asking my GP and I'm still convinced they've missed sth. Any advice on how I can deal with this please? People also keep telling me that I've lost weight so am terrified that is a sympton too.

E xx

28-06-08, 04:51
Huge hugs. I always have troubles believing what I am told by doctors etc. The good news is that the x-ray was good so the chances of anything serious being wrong are very very small. I know that doesnt always help the anxiety however. The best thing you can do is focus on anything else. Anything at all. I know its hard but the more you focus on it the worse things will seem. Have you been eating less because your mouth has been sore? How much weight do you feel you have lost? If you are really concerned about that just check in with your doctor but I am sure things are ok. I know when I am anxious I tend not to eat.