View Full Version : Extreme pressure headache and dizziness

09-05-08, 17:18
I have had tension in my neck and shoulders for as long as I can remember. They are constantly tense and sore.

More recently I have been getting really bad pressure feelings in my head as though my head is expanding from the inside.

I also get a feeling as though the muscles in my head are moving about, which subsequently makes me feel really dizzy and my vision goes a bit wonky. I also feel like I am going to fall over from it too.

Does anyone else suffer from this, and if so, how do you cope with it? Mine seems to be getting worse and worse, which makes me worry more and more.:weep:

I am trying to relax to ease the tension - but nothing seems to be working. Help!!!

09-05-08, 17:26
Have you had any blood tests done my eyes and head were bad from having low b12.

eternally optimistic
09-05-08, 18:17
Hi Ann

I get bad headaches, before I went on medication for anxiety/pc, I
was taking tablets regularly for this. I also had facial pain which I thought
had something to do with my teeth, but dentist said it was probably stress.
Didnt realise at that time, that most of my daily aches and pains was
attributed to this.

Go see you Doctor and get it checked out.

Good luck.


10-05-08, 16:09
hi anne,:hugs:
i suffer from dizziness and pressure in my head and mine was all down to anxiety. at the moment its o.k but if i do get anxious the dizziness and pressure start again. it will seem to be getting worse because its a vicious circle your dizzy cause ur anxious then the anxiety causes more dizziness. it is a horrible feeling and is easier said than done but try not to panic over the dizziness. if your really upset go to your doctors. have you got a good doctor? my doctor gave me a prescription for a tablet called prochlorperazine which is for dizziness, anxiety, all manor of things, i find it helps if im reallybad. it depends what other meds ur on. but the best way to combat it is yourself and not tablets. take deep breaths have a relaxing bath with lavender oi. or if you can, go for a aromatherapy massage just to help you relax. the more you relax the better you pressure and dizziness will be. i also suffered with my eyes not being able to focus properly, which can be a problem at work cause im a florist ,somedays i really struggled but it will get better.
take care.:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

14-05-08, 16:21
have you had your sinisis checked i have that type of head p and dizziness and it been my sinuisis its horrible you feel like when your walking your all dizzy and off balance.if you can boil hot water and inhale the stem it will help clear your head.x:)