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09-05-08, 19:14
We learnt about hole-in-the-hearts today in Human Biology. It's very interesting but now I'm worried because she said one of the symptoms is feeling more breathless than usual. Well I've always got out of breath easily. At the moment I'm undergoing tests for Exercise Induced Asthma but I'm worrrying that it's something to do with my heart. A doctor has listened to my chest on 2 separate occasions without saying anything. They'd hear a murmur if it was a hole, right?

09-05-08, 19:51
Hi Charlottie,

My wee boy has a hole in the lower ventricles of his heart and you would feel a vibration in your chest if you had a hole. Tom is my purring boy as its like when a cat purrs the feeling. If the Doctor has listened to your heart then they would have heard a murmer, which is associated with heart defects.

He is ok in every other and we found out about the hole when he was only 2 days old. It has closed up a bit but he will always have it. Its not doing any harm though.

It probably is what the Docs are checking you for but just say to them that you are worried as you had learnt about this and they will reassure y
Take care

Hazel xoxo:hugs:

09-05-08, 20:22
Thanks very much. I have a follow-up asthma appointment at the end of this month so I will mention it.