View Full Version : That wave of unsteadiness again...HELP

09-05-08, 23:27

After my last post I came back from the docs today havin some moles checked out. They were OK. Went back to work and had lunch and an hour later I was working away when I felt a muscular pain in my shoulder blade then I noticed i had waves of unsteadiness like I would fall off my stool..of course this causes worry and so my chest felt tight and I had a tingling burnt sensation on the end of my tongue a wierd panicky feeling in my chest and a feeling that my face and backs of my hands were flushed and sore. Has anyone else had a reaction like this. I have had all the symptoms before but not together. It really freaked me I just can't accept it is anxiety and continually wait for other symptoms to discover the cause of the illness.

Scary. I felt it was like my BP had gone through the roof or something. I cant stop thinking it is Cardiovascular but yet last year I had all the tests and all were fine. I will say I have never had it when exersing only when sat down and quiet...


09-05-08, 23:32
hi mee cant help u with yr symptoms but trouble with anxiety is a minor thing turns to something terrible, try to relax because you are fine and the more you panic the wrose you feel, try to stay busy and not have to much time to think otherwise your mind will go into overtime and this wont help you, hope you feel better hugs xxxxxxx ps exercising really hellps get rid of anxietys and depression i brisk walk every dayand it worked for me xxxxxx

11-05-08, 22:52
If you had a pain in your shoulder then it could be neck related. I have severe neck problems which cause me vertigo and constant feeling of unsteadiness. Now I am not saying you have a neck problem but any tension in the neck muscles from whatever cause like anxiety or just bad posture can affect your balance as your neck contains balance receptors that send messages to your inner ear or so my neurosurgeon tellls me and he said all his neck patients have vertigo/unsteadiness, of course the sudden dizziness causes huge surge of adrenalin even in someone without health anxiety so you get all the symptoms of adrenalin surge as you describe.

Its one possibilty - were you sitting awkwardly with your neck or have been putting your neck under stress??

Stefan P
12-05-08, 16:52
Thanks countrygirl, that actually helped with something I was just worrying about. I get terrible neck ache from being hunched over a computer all day, and backache from a perpetual stoop I have always had. I also get the adrenalin and the anxiety when I feel unsteady on my feet, which if you are right is a posture problem and not some life threatening illness (which my head tells me it is every time I get dizzy).

Can you recommend some treatment?

13-05-08, 06:25
Thanks Again

I am sure you are right. I sometimes feel a pulling sensation just under my ears as if someone has tightened the skin on the side of my neck. Still to get this seemingly out of the blue is frightning. The adrenalin surge once the dizziness starts explains why other symptoms come such as chest tighness which makes you think it is a vascular problem. I will concentrate on this rational answer next time it happens.

Thanks for the support.
