View Full Version : Friends mam may not survive weekend

10-05-08, 08:54
Those of you who have read my recent post about my friends mam will know the story but to quickly reinterate, my friends mam who is only in her early 60's is in hospital dying. She has liver failure, though she's not a drinker, and now all her organs are failing. They have withdrawn all treatment barr pain relief. She is a diabetic and they withdrew her insulin on tuesday evening, to basically speed things up for her. She decided on Thursday that she wanted to die at home so the hospital put plans into action to allow her to do that ie delivering a hospital bed to her home and arranging Macmillan nurses etc.

My friend rang me to tell me all this. She was as high as a kite. Absolutely over the moon that her mam was coming home. She talked about giving up her work to care for her and that her younger sister was returning to work on Monday and would return on weekends(she lives hr and half away).

I tried my best to gently say that she had to be mindful of the fact her mother might not live long enough to get home as due to weekend staffing levels they said they could not get her home till Monday. But it kind of went over her head, she was just so elated. I tried to tell her not to get too fixated on the neccessity to get her mam home and that the important thing was that she was not in pain and that she wasn't alone. But my comments missed the mark.

She rang me yesterday evening to say that the doctor had said that her sister should not return to work on Monday or make plans to do so as they had to be prepared that she would not survive the weekend.

I feel the this will indeed be the case and my anxiety levels are quite high as a result. I'm finding it very hard to think of anything else right now and my unsteady feelings and derealisation is wavering about, coming and going and basically freaking me out. To make matters worse I am on my own today and tomorrow as my husband is working. My father is on holiday, so I feel totally lost. That is making my anxiety far worse. I'm trying not to focus on it but it's not that easy!

I'm starting to feel the pangs of the health anxiety that I felt so strongly at christmas time and I'm finding it so hard to keep my intrusive thoughts at bay. I'd been doing so well lately. I can't help feeling that I do myself no favours at all when I get so involved with other peoples problems. But something compels me to do so. I know it's bad for me but always want to help even if it's detrimental to me. But then I also think well death and other problems are part of real life and I can't cocoon myself against stuff that's going to spark of anxiety. That's just avoidence and we all know that anxiety thrives on avoidance.

So any words of encouragement that I'm not sliding back into the depths of insanity, where I think I was at Christmas, would be really really appreciated.

Andrea xx:wacko:

10-05-08, 09:35
hi andrea, im really sorry to here about yr friends mum but with people like us who suffer these anxieties its really important to keep busy whether it be on the phone, email, housework, exercise, walking, puzzles anything but to much thinking time is really not good. i find if i brisk walk every day it really helps my day the exercise motivates me keeps me happy, positive and also keeps my anxietys at bay, so if you have to be on your own just keep keep with anything singing dancing, cooking anything hugs xxxx

10-05-08, 10:07
Thanks Donna.

Everytime the phone rings I jump at the minute as I'm expecting her to call at any moment. I'm surprised how badly this is affecting me, but I saw my mam die when I was 12 and I think seeing her mam so ill has rekindled old memories that I had put to the back of my mind. i'm also pretty anxious about what to say to her when she does ring. But I'm sure it'l come out right when it happens.

milly jones
10-05-08, 13:12
what a good friend u are andie,

just wanted to say that hun,

keep strong urself tho,

mill x

10-05-08, 15:14
Hi Andie

You're certainly not slipping back into insanity - I'm pretty certain you werent insane in the first place hun :hugs:

Its commendable that you are being so supportive of your friend and trying to keep her "feet on the ground" so to speak. I get the impression though that you do take these things "into yourself" which is probably what is causing your anxiety to flare up again.

I used to do this too. Even when stories were in the paper about people who had been murdered, I found myself imagining how much pain they must have been in at the end, and how devastating it must be for their families.

This always raised my anx and then I would go into my negative mindset so that whatever came into my head was distorted.

I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong by supporting your friend, in fact the opposite. But there is only so much you can do or say, you can be there for her, but you cannot take the pain away from her. You cannot stop what is going to happen - maybe this is why you feel so anxious - because you want things to be ok, but you cannot do anything about it.

Just remember to look after yourself too, it may help to take a step back from the situation and just assess it, rather than letting it consume you :hugs:

Keep well hun

Jo xxxxx

10-05-08, 17:44
Thanks Milly and Jo I think your right, I do take it in to much. But I guess that's what makes me me, if that makes sense. I will try to remember that I can't change the outcome or take away her pain however much I think about it. Thanks everyone for making my day so much brighter.

Andrea xx

11-05-08, 15:42
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Andrea

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-05-08, 15:47
Awe thanks Kaz.
Up to now she still holding on which is what we're all hoping for as she decided on Thursday that she wanted to go home to die. But due to weekend staffing levels and a hospital bed etc needing to be delivered to her home they said she could not get back till Monday. So fingers crossed she'll get home tomorrow. My friend really wants to get her home amongst her familiar surroundings, so I hope so for both of them.
Thanks for your support everyone. I'm not finding this easy to cope with as it bring back alot of memories for me.

Thanks again Andrea xx

11-05-08, 15:56
Thinking of you hunny:hugs: :hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-05-08, 16:32
Sending you a huge hug xxhugxx:hugs: