View Full Version : what a night and morning

10-05-08, 09:53
ive had worse night sleep ever, husband at fishing for weekend was on here at 3.30 and there was a cpl of people in chat who helped me unfort i got cut off internet ,and didnt sleep a wink after that as was panicking badly heart racing beating funny now i cant breathe im so tired and tottaly scared i cant go on like this how can anxiety do this to us one symptom mainly all time ,past cpl of days had severe dizziness aswell sorry to go on just feel better getting it out

amanda xxx:weep:

milly jones
10-05-08, 11:39
hey amanda,

hope ure ok hun,

sorry i went to bed early,

in chat later if u need me xx

milly x

10-05-08, 13:27
That's what I like about this forum - getting it out. I really believe it helps. I hope you manage to get some restful sleep today. What can you do to relax and feel comfy? Have you eaten anything?
Big Hugs even if my quaestions are not very helpful to you

10-05-08, 14:34
hi ty for ther replies , im trying to relax atm laying in garden , yes i have eaten a little but i just cant get rid of this breathlessness feeling , i keep trying to sleep but it wakes me up

thanks again amanda xxxxx

10-05-08, 15:32
:bighug1: :bighug1: for you Amanda, hope you have a better night tonight.

love Mags xxxxx

10-05-08, 17:29
Hey Amanda

Just wanted to send you some hugs hunny. Am sorry you had a bad night. Try taking some deep breaths.
Also try and have some you time.

PM if you need to.

Lots of hugs for you sweetie


10-05-08, 19:45
sorry to hear things still tough mand . hugs for u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

10-05-08, 21:14
ty margaret emira and sandra im still not feeling great but i really aprrecitate you taking time to reply to me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cathy V
10-05-08, 21:43
Hi amanda, sorry i'm not really into 'babes or hun' or sending loads of :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: these, and my cat and my dog are fine and so is my man, my aunty and my granny...sorry but at age 54, maybe i'm just a bit too old for it all, and am on this forum to talk about my health not my relationships. So..now that thats is all out of the way i want to say to you that i know you're feeling like cr..p just now because of your breathing. Its because you're overbreathing and its quite common in anxiety (you might have heard of breathing into a paper bag to regulate your breathing). When you're anxious, your breath comes quickly and this builds up the carbon monoxide in your system, together with the extra adrenaline bombing around :wacko: So then this makes you feel like you can't get enough breath. Then you become more anxious and this contributes to it more. I'm going back quite some years with one memory...i called the doc because my breathing was so bad. He talked to me on the phone for ages (in the days when they did this even at night:D ) at the end of the talk i was much calmer and my breathing was almost normal again. When you are alone with this it seems to be much worse I know, and when you have someone with you you can cope with it better yes? So try to tell yourself its only the anxiety, but you're NOT alone coz ppl are here ok? just a call away if you want to hear a voice.

Take care
Cathy :) xx

11-05-08, 04:10
Hi Amanda

Just wanted to ask you how you are feeling now? I hope you are a bit better than yesterday. The breathing thing is the worst thing for me 2 + the heart banging and pounding, it's horrible. Fortunately it always goes away. Unfortunately it comes back!! Are you on any meds? Not that I endorse meds but wondered if you are on the 'take as needed' script.

I know that taking your mind off of it can sometimes help, like doing a hard puzzle so as to get the mind thinking about something else. I do hope you feel better today.


I would like if I may to respond to cathyv - I don't see anywhere in this thread where anyone has asked you about your relationships or your family, called you 'hun' or 'babes', given you 'hugs' or even asked about your pets. Dare I say that you were obviously not brought up with any kinds of 'terms of endearment', or taught to talk outwardly about your inner feelings. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but maybe worth looking into??!! Take care of yourself.

11-05-08, 12:31
hi elspeth ty for replying i am taking meds i take trazadone at night and promazine when needed ,but they dont make much difference unfort,my head isnt spininning so far today but my chest is still funny its driving me insane now .do you get the breathlessness funny feelings a lot? i try to distract myself but it doesnt seem to be working atm

amanda xx

11-05-08, 12:34
also ty cathy for replying ,sometimes talking bout my dogs cats kids etc does help me but we all cope different ways , it doesnt really matter if im alone or not its always there thanks again amandax

Cathy V
11-05-08, 13:12
To Elspeth, point taken, slapped wrist for me:) I just felt bad for the person who desperately wanted an answer to her question. She felt like she was suffocating and all i was reading was 'big hugs hun, sleep well, thinking about ya!' so i guess i just wanted to explain to her what ive learned over the years about the overbreathing. Sorry if you found my comments offensive and that you took it personally. Its just that sometimes the 'gushing' on here can be a bit much sorry, as with the WRITING IN BIG LETTERS AND RED INK!!! it hurts my eyes and my virtual ears:wacko:and if weary nerves are a bit jangled its not easy plowing through all the posts like this in one thread! its tiring. Maybe this is not the site for me?

Cathy x

11-05-08, 13:44
cathy its a site for us all to get help we all need it or we wouldnt be here what do u suffer with cathy?

Cathy V
11-05-08, 17:17
Hi amanda, Like alot of ppl on the site i suffer with anx' and can panic in certain situations, so sometimes try to avoid those...not very brave i know! mostly the worst for me these days are the ectopics which as we all know can come on even if we're feeling relatively calm. I do remember tho, in the past, suffering with breathlessness alot, and this was without meds. In fact looking back, i think the breathing probs started the whole anxiety thing off in my 20's, and it was a symptom that carried on for some years so i know how it feels to think you can't breathe properly, and its a viscious circle isn't it?

The breathlessness only returned recently as a side effect of propranolol, but in the last few days seems to have got a little easier with the new meds.

Its not easy to be alone when you feel you can't breathe properly is it? its much easier when you have someone with you. I hope you feel better when your hubby gets back. Chat anytime, though i don't use the chat room.

Take care for now
Cathy V xx:)

12-05-08, 00:18
Hi again Amanda

Yes, the breathless thing with me is the worst, and it was also my first symptom. I have the feeling that I can't take in enough air, or sometimes I hyperventilate, sometimes my chest feels funny but I can't explain why!

I live alone too, but have done for a long time so I'm quite used to it. My mum used to be my 'safe' person, but she passed away in 2005, now I have no one. These feelings always come on worse at night, don't they? That's because we can't phone anyone at that late hour. I do the trying to distract myself thing. I really endorse Claire Weekes books and tapes, I have found great comfort in them early hours of the morning when a panic or breathing thing attacks. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hope you feel better soon. Take care.

12-05-08, 00:19
Hi cathyv

I apologise, I realise that I came across a bit hard. Please accept my heartfelt apologies.

Take care


Cathy V
12-05-08, 00:51
Hey Elspeth, thanks...really. I know my faults and didn't mean to sound so rude. I suppose because there are so many people with so many different characters on here, i just have to learn to listen a bit more :blush:

Having said that, ive just replied to a long-standing thread from a lady called Karen, who is apparently anorexic, entitled 'i can't do this anymore' and i'm afraid i took offence at some of the things she said, so i'm prob not very popular again...sigh:shrug:

Hope you're feeling ok
Chat anytime
Cathy xx

12-05-08, 10:39
thank you again for the replies, i realy suffering again today with the breathlessness gasping trying to get air in ,its nice to know im not alone with it though cathy did you have it everyday for years? cos mine never goes away elspeth i understand the funny feelings in chest lso there so hard to explain arent they hope you are both well today

Cathy V
12-05-08, 11:09
Hi amanda, yes i did have it every day for some time. Although i know its not funny, ican still laugh at myself when i recall trying the various suggestions made. I took up yoga which lasted all of one session coz i couldn't do the breathing exercises properly! then i bought relaxation tapes and tried really hard to follow them but nothing! Hypnotherapy? he couldn't put me under no matter how hard he tried. Always with me was my breathing problem...i focused on it always, i had to know always if my breathing was normal or not. When you say you can't sleep with it, it might be that you're actually scared to go to sleep in case you don't wake up? i remember it well if so. but when i was sooo exhausted that i fell asleep anyway, my breathing must have returned to normal coz i always woke up...and i'm still here. If you were to faint now, your breathing would be fine without you controlling it, it would be normal.

I would avoid at all costs any situations that would make me panic coz my shallow breathing...and thats all it is...would bring on the panic much quicker, like it was always just below the surface, and of course this leads to never wanting to go anywhere. but as you know, with breathlessness its with you even in your safe places isn't it? so its about trying your best to tell yourself that you're ok. Your anxiety is making your body tense, and that includes your chest-wall muscles. your lungs are fine believe me and will work without any interference from you! whats happening is just you trying to supervise how much or how little breath go in and out....not your job, its theirs, leave them to it:D

This is all assuming theres no meds involved that could affect your breathing by the way? cz some meds can.

Hope this ramble helps a bit, ask more if needed, anytime ok?
Cathy xx

12-05-08, 21:14
hi cathy ill reply properly tommorow my dad in hospital tommorow for a angioplasti and im in state i really appreciate you taking time to reply me and you elspeth thanksxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cathy V
12-05-08, 21:48
Hey thats ok amanda, hope all goes well for your dad tomorrow.
Best wishes
Cathy xx:)